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Amerigo POV

I got to the dining room and Luigi , Pietro, Jimmy , Bob and Gabe  were already there whispering about something , I sat down on my head chair and everybody went dead silent instantly , good for them , we always eat dinner in silence here no matter what.

" It's probably going to be a war " I said and everybody turned their head towards me "Anderson just decided to turn into some saint and took him upon himself to destroy every single Mafia ".
" But he is the part of big 6 " Bob asked confused  " 4 are already finished   ". Pietro said said one eyebrow raised.         " Only the Serpent Mafia is left beside us ". Luigi said completing the sentence .

"Why is Anderson doing this , To gain more power??" Jimmy asked "  That will only weaken everybody and Anderson is smart enough to know that " Pietro said and he's right about Anderson being smart he's the only guy I had a bit of respect other than my father . What turned a wonderful Mafia leader against his own world is still a mystery to me but not for long.. " You said  Sera is the key to success for us or for him ? " Pietro asked me . They are the only one's that can call the royals without titles . We don't allow anybody else to do that except a few closer ones that also when we are alone and they are the only one closer to me " Time will tell that ".     " In that case  we will increase the security " Pietro said and I nodded

I didn't say anymore and they got the hint " So.. where's our Queen, Is she not hungry". Pietro said smirking, I want to punch that smirk out of his face but his question is valid where the hell is Sera, it doesn't take that long to dress up does it ?? " Probably boss tired her out ". Luigi said and the idiots laughed at that , I didn't tire her out but definitely left her sexually frustrated. I smiled knowing that " Guys what time is it ". Bob asked and Gabe answered" 10:00 PM, why? ".   " Oh I need to write this time and date in golden words the Boss fucking smiled". Everybody cracked up  at that and I am still holding onto my anger so I won't shoot them.  " Oh you wanna know what our Queen called him in car " They all nodded like a bobblehead trying to calm down" A.. haha... A gang.. hahaha a gang  leader and.. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud because we were in public Hahaha " The idiots started beating the table laughing maniacally, that's it , I pulled out my gun and started shooting, they all started running around like some mad chickens that's what you get for laughing at me .

"Boss !! Boss!! I call waits " Gabe made a fucking stupid hand signal and stopped running , it's not a fucking game, I shooted between his open leg just below his dick  and everybody scattered around "BOSS THAT WAS CLOSE!!" He said and hid behind a curtain, seriously?? I looked around, by now Pietro and Bob were hidden behind a couch , Jimmy was sitting under table and What.. the ..hell? Luigi was trying to hide behind his own shoe, I don't even have words he has surpassed the limits of idiocy, I was standing right in the middle of the room when I heard a creak of door opening, I turned around and  fucking hell my breath got caught in my throat, she.. just wow..the dress is kissing her every single curve perfectly  accentuating  her breasts , the pearl necklace is fading away in the aura of her beauty  I am getting hard really hard just thinking about the lingerie she's wearing, as far as I know her she definitely chose the white one. The time she took was surely worth it.

I was mesmerized which state broke down when I saw my 5 idiots standing behind her now and she was periodically looking at me and back at them with mouth hanged open like a Bob of clock. " Get.The.Fucking.Away from her this instant if you want to live". " Don't listen to him she's our only saving grace"Luigi said and Gabe added.             " Yeah , it's a trap".  I wasn't shooting only because Sera was here for a fucking dinner dressed as precious stone she is . " Sera be a true Queen and ask him not to  kill us , we were just having fun". Jimmy said in a pleading voice " I think it's too late " Bob looked at me and they all turned their eyes on me oh they are asking for a bullet with a large banner it's eating a fork full of spaghetti for me so I did it "BOSS, THAT WILL LEAVE A MARK !! " It was pure coincidence that Jimmy was standing in end of the line therefore no blood stains on my precious I looked at her and she was Still gaping like a fish " Oh... Come on it's just the arm we've had worse". Luigi said and everyone else nodded including Jimmy " Hell guys it's not the problem the problem is that it ruined my tattoo".  He stated casually, fuckers, They're trained too well I was about to shoot again while walking towards them to take my squirrel in my arms, when she finally broke the silence " RIGO STOP!! " I halted in my place and the fuckers just grinned she turned around " You!! " She pointed at Jimmy ." Are you stupid ? Worried about your tattoo when he ducking shot you ,  and you people I'm not your shield to use, I know Rigo enough to know he must be doing that for a reason though I don't know it and yes I would like to know it while having a sophisticated dinner witheverybody".  I didn't interrupted her she looked like a mother hen scolding her chicks " Get back on the table" She said and now they were gaping at her. " I mean now people or I will ask Rigo to continue" Everyone ran back to table like their asses were on fire and got seated instantly ,  woww.. right now I'll do anything she asks,  she looks so hot , like a true Mafia queen and to top it up she called me Rigo in front of everybody worsening my condition . I never had a nickname but it feels nice to know that she's  comfortable enough to use it freely now .

She came near me and whispered             " Umm... Rigo would you please ask somebody for a first aid box? " A queen but still my innocent squirrel I just nodded and she smiled wide , FUCK , that's a first real smile she gave me and it's killer may I add , hell she can convince an angel to commit a sin with that smile. I brought out a first aid box from a table next to couch , we have one in every room , you never know when you need it and gave it to her and sat back on my chair .

She definitely looked confused as to what a first aid box is doing in a dining room but she just shrugged and went near Jimmy, To say that  he was shocked is an understatement when she started treating his wound ,  Jimmy was  very quiet and everybody else were looking at her smiling , I knew at that moment that my innocent squirrel  is perfect for the title of Mafia Queen.  


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