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Sera POV

The room is getting smaller and smaller... I'm not able to breathe the look in Rigo eyes says everything.... He has no remorse, no regrets... He did it...I know it...his eyes were always the most expressive part and they say everything..."Rigo....". What do I call it? My destiny??? It has to be right? how do I feel? I don't know... I'm feets are cold...better my whole body have turned into ice...and only one question is swarming my mind..."Why....".

"Simple no-one crosses me". His voice was trace of the warmth which was there when he confessed his love to me....I love you only you...I don't care about anyone else...He knew who Ava was to me...He knew everything from start...

"You hurted my Ava....and you won't even explain?! Tell me! Tell me Why?! Tell me if I crossed you,you'll kill me too?! I know you Rigo! I see you! Please.... please explain...why?". But he said nothing and wiped my eyes "Don't cry"."Seriously?! Rigo.... please tell me!". He sighed and looked at my dad....I followed his gaze and the look that dad had was unexplainable....he knew the reason...."Daddy... please....". His eyes met mine and there were tears...a single drop of that tear escaped his eyes and I knew this is something isn't the one to cry for anyone...he is the older version of Rigo....this...story is somehow associated with everyone....

Rigo wasn't his usual arrogant held a pain...a pain..."Your sister?! Your fucking sister?!"." You know I would have killed her first if I had even the slightest of idea!". Dad yelled back and in return... Rigo pointed the gun at dad "Rigo... please! I'm tired of it! I'm tired!". I looked in his eyes...he seemed so close yet so... faraway....

"These men think they are the strong one here and hence don't share anything with us... doesn't even realising this little fact that a woman bears the pain of hundred broken bones just to bring them in life...only woman has the power to nurture a life...". Ava... "What's with people popping in my palace without my permission?!". Rigo rubbed his temples and I looked at her...she was standing there with a sad smile on her face....and rest of the men behind her alongwith Martha....

She came passed next to me and spitted on aunty's face "The bitch"."Ava!"."I'm so glad that finally I found the real culprit". She said kicking aunty in abdomen...I looked at everyone else and they all were looking at aunty with so much gate that could create a whole new bell...

She came near me with tears in her eyes and took me to the dining table... everyone else sat around it and Rigo sat at the head chair...away from me..."I'll tell you a short story Sera....Once upon a time there was a cold stoic lion King...he didn't believed in love until...he fell for this ferocious Lioness...whose kindness could melt the age-old ice...soon they had a cute little cub and their family was complete... perfect... everyone in the forest were happy... except this one hyena.. and that hyena destroyed killing them....the cub was left alone...a little cub with the responsibilities of all the forest...but he was the son of a true king and queen...and hence the perfect king...and soon enough he took a revenge on hyena...and rebuilded his empire...". I knew Rigo was the cub....I understood everything now...Rigo lost everything...but he didn't once faltered...he stood strong...because he was a true king...and Hyena...aunty Rosa...I can't believe it...

I heard a slow clap and when I looked around it was Armen who was clapping...."Great! Quite creative Ava but she wanted the whole fucking truth so you should give her that....". He spitted heart feels heavy...his pain hurts me...and he's hurting...."Ri..."."Whole story was indeed a truth except this little detail...My mom was not just killed but raped and my dad died the day she died...". I gasped...."And he took the revenge by passing the orders of raping the daughter of the guy who did didn't mattered if it was foster kid or not... anyways...I have forgiven him...I would have done the same...He did nothing wrong Se...". I looked between Ava and Rigo...And they were looking at each other with an understanding....I looked around and everyone has tears in their eyes... Jimmy, Pietro, Gabe, Bob Luigi "Queen Happy would have loved you...she was so much like you...". Miss..Martha said wiping her eyes "Yeah...she was awesome... just like her name she was this always happy, I don't remember a day I saw her crying....". Jimmy said chuckling and they all added something in her memory.... hearing to all of them I couldn't stop the tears flowing non stop from my eyes....even the bodyguards standing here were laughing and crying simultaneously... remembering her....and that was enough proof that she's still alive in their hearts...

Rigo stood up and started walking out of the room " He loves you more than his life Sera... even I can see it...stop him...". Ava said taking my hands in hers..."But..."."But nothing...I forgave him yesterday on your wedding only when your dad told me the truth Se...and The rest of the malice was wiped away when I saw how much he really loves you...."."You know King Reese actually committed suicide after what happened to Queen..."."Oh.. my god!". Dad said coming to my side "I was there to witness their tale of love sweetie Happy was his light and he didn't saw a point living without her....and I saw the same love in Amerigo's eyes for you , why do you think I officiated my only treasure wedding to Mafia King... He'll die alive without you...Stop him...he needs it".

I looked at Rigo's back which was still straight... and head still king...His pain is ten times more worse than mine....but still he's walking like nothing bothers him...I know it...I see it...he can't hide from me...that he wants a peace too....

I don't know how but it felt like if I didn't stopped him now... he'll be gone faraway from me.... forever...I breathed in and shouted my lungs out  "AMERIGO FUCKING GRECO!". everyone stopped their conversation over Queen Happy and King Reese , even Rigo turned around shocked,

Yeah finally broke his Poker face haha! I slowly walked upto him
" What is it?". He asked raising a brow trying to mask his shock... haha...Give me strength Mrs.Happy Greco! Because these Greco men are so damn stubborn!

I pulled him by his collar down to my level "I will always choose you remember! Do you have Alzheimer's or something little cub?! How dare you walk away from me?! You belong to me only me! Say it!". Slowly a smile graced his lips and he pulled me up in his arms and twirled me around...

I laughed to my heart's content wrapping my hands around his neck...his eyes were shining with happiness....for the first time there was nothing but happiness,love and his latte....eyes...

I may not know the details of the story, I may not know what That fucking bitch did ?! But...I know one thing that these people here are my family and this man here is my Rigo.... And yes I cursed because that bitch deserved it!

I could hear the laughter of everyone else behind me cheering Rigo up to twirl me around faster and I laughed even more when he did.... after a few minutes he placed me down...on a couch...My head was spinning fast but it completely flipped when he started bowing in front of me..." Rigo! You can't!".

He's a king, he doesn't bow down in front of anyone...I remember Pietro telling me Kings don't even bow down in front of the queen....but he ignored me and got down on one knee and bowed his head in front of me...he looked like a soldier..."I...Amerigo fucking Greco Haha...Surrender myself and that includes my everything to Sera Greco....My wife.."."Now that's a vow everyone!". Ava hollered and everyone laughed...even more...

He said and everyother man in the palace gasped...where Luigi cheered
"Yo Boss! You still didn't said you belong to her!".He raised a brow at me chuckling... and I nodded "That's true mister"." sexy nutcasey squirrel...I love you...and I belong to you....Just You...".


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