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Sera POV

Ava 💜: Girl!!!! You missed me now?? Well I don't blame you , the guy must have kept you busy!  You have to tell me so much! Who was that sexy voice guy ? Is he as sexy as his voice? you popped your cherry yet ? Hmm?? Tell me.

At our little talk at gym Amerigo told me that Ava or stupid girl in his language called...and I'm not sure that he must have talked to her in most nicest way , so I decided to call her instantly after breakfast whereas Rigo went in his office to do some work, after all  he's a reputed buisness man too.

Ava💜 :  Se ??

Sera : Yes ! Yes what were you asking.

She took a long sigh at that ,

Ava 💜: How about you tell me why a guy picked up your call at eleven in night first ?

Sera : He's roomate?

Ava 💜: You're asking me or telling me?

Sera : Of course telling you , I was out like fused bulb after studying the medicines whole day so when you called he must have picked it up.

Ava 💜 : Uhuh... Your university have co hostel system.

Sera : Yes , no big deal!

Ava 💜 : I know you are lying to me ,. Come on tell me the truth... Sera.

I sighed, there's no point lying to her , I should have texted her instead of calling.

Sera : I am very very bad at lying aren't I?

Ava 💜: You are the worst, haha.

Sera : I found it Avy , I found it in him .

Ava 💜 : What did yo....oh..Oh!! You did !! You did !!! Finally! Haha I'm so happy!!
It's great , so great haha...How ?? And who actually is this magic guy.

Sera : He's perfect Avy just perfect, he calls me his Precious nutcase sexy baby squirrel and for me he's my king , a dark tiger king , haha...I didn't just found peace in him , I found myself in him , I can't even believe how all of this happened this fast but it did like it was supposed to happen .

Ava 💜: You are in love with him .

It wasn't a question or answer it was a pure statement.

Sera : Is it that obvious?

Ava 💜 : Yes , the way you are talking about him.... it's sacred Sera , it's pure...I can feel it all the way from there.. the question is does he feels the same?

Sera : Oh...Ava there is so much I have to tell you , so much have happened in last few days...I miss you .

Ava 💜: I miss you too and a very nice way to change the topic but from what I have gathered talking to him last night is the that he cares about you , he was so angry that I almost disturbed your sleep , he has a great sense of humourHe said he's your fiance, haha!! and also he's very intelligent to name you that , it perfectly suits you !

He told her that ?? Bell it would have been so hard to explain her if she didn't took it as a joke.

Ava 💜 : Anyways did you know that the play stations here are awesome and I won an unlimited card for stay anytime I come here , games and food here , can you believe it ? 

Amerigo....he must have done that.. the hotel belongs to him after all, it's actually sweet.

Ava 💜 : I saw so many things here and clicked a whole lot of selfies and have also started working on photo album but I'll only show you in person.

Sera : Deal !  now my classes are going to start in few minutes , I have to go .

Ava 💜: Of course and please focus on classes not on your man.

She said laughing maniacally and I only felt guilt at that...she has to know but how do I do that? How do I tell the whole story of kidnapper to lover on a phone call? I guess I should listen to her and focus on my classes for now and later on anything else .

Amerigo POV

" Ahh... donkey stop kicking". Jimmy said and I was just watching this stupid spoilt still under the effect of the shit he consumed in the party we got him from, He's most likely drunken mistake of senator. Trembling in fear , good ! so he have this much sense , "Tsk.. boy  your daddy dearest signed your death warrant at such a young age, I Pity  you  ". Pietro said tying him up to the chair "You don't know my dad he's Senator Truce he will not spare you ! ". He said trying to sound brave " Haha, you mean him ". Jimmy said removing the cloth from the bastard's face "Dad?? ??". Father and son boring reunion.

" Let's play a game shall we ? " They both looked at me confused , my voice was dark as pit of hell " What game? Just let us go Greco ". "Truce , you crossed me with your choice but what will be your fate now is my choice, I think it's been too long that I have personally dealt with you fuckers, Is that why all of you are daring to turn against me , We were working quite well Senator , It's a shame  you did it while you were working under  me? Otherwise I would have promoted you to help me get Anderson faster ".   I said leaning back on my chair "Greco he had my son at gunpoint when I agreed, You know it ! Nobody will cross you willingly they are all being forced to do so ".

"Very sad but I'm giving you a chance game offer's still on table Truce , be a man and win your life ". I said and waited for a minutes, he didn't said anything only pleading like a pig , I pointed the gun on his idiotic son               " Amerigo listen... listen to me...he has nothing to do with it". He's really irritating me and Irritated me when I'm angry is not a good combination " I understand it's very reasonable excuse...". I said and shot his burden of a son "To kill your son " I said continuing and he started shouting some things I don't care about..." Anderson will kill you!". Okay that got my attention "He's always welcome here to do that , So...the game, want to play ? ". " Everybody knows the results of your game, just shoot me already ". I like to insinuate pain on these fuckers slowly but not today , because today I have more important things to do like turning Sera in Miss tomato like she had turned in morning, unfortunately I had to cut short our gym session in the morning,  I liked her wet pussy smashed against my back while I moved up and down, she was a good spice to boring push ups "Well your choice ". I shot him in head      " Call Luigi" I said and Jimmy immediately called him .

" Whoa boss what did he do deserve a straight head shot? ". Luigi asked entering the room " He helped Anderson to get entry in Tuscany ". Pietro answered and Luigi took out a gun shooting Truce in his heart , I feel good seeing his blood seeping out of his body, I really would have thanked him for doing this but  the fucker helped him even though he works for me. He plain right crossed me "He's already dead Psycho". Pietro said and Luigi was about to say something back when he got cutt off by a knock followed by her soft voice " Rigo?"


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