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Sera POV

I barely closed my eyes for few minutes when someone knocked the door and I knew it couldn't be Rigo, he never knocks, the door only opens with his fingerprints and mine besides that noone can enter in here... without our permission "Come in". I said opening the door with the switch... though my head hurted a lot and I really wanted to rest, I guess it will have to wait, I certainly can't ignore the person.

I sighed and sat up on the bed slowly... smoothening my sheets and dress,
when I finally looked up to see who it was and my eyes widened at the site"Oh..God Pietro?...Are you okay? You look horrible!". Soon everybody else slowly came in after Pietro and they all looked equally miserable... Forget about my condition, they looked like they just  survived a tsunami..." Were you all trapped in that garden too? ". It really concerned me, they looked so shabby... nothing like well maintained  models like they always look...they hadn't even shaved and their hairs were a mess... what concerned me even more was not one of them looked up to meet my eyes, I know how dangerous men they are but right now they look like puppies.

" Guys look at me!". I tried to sound demanding and luckily it worked   "Luigi??? Atleast you say something!!!what happened?". They were scaring me! If I had the strength I would have already hugged the answer out of them but I really had no energy at all...and they are intensifying my headache!

"Umm...How are you sissy?". " How I am? How are you Luigi? You surely don't look good!". " I'm so sorry Sera...It shouldn't had happened it's all my fault, I should have been there.. I'm so sorry..".  Finally Pietro said guiltily and I looked at them all..." Seriously? Don't tell me you idiots are also blaming yourself for all this". Yeah they are! Their silence says everything..." God! Rigo is so right to call you eggheads...Come here!". They didn't moved an inch" Now!".  I said and slowly Luigi came at my side followed by everyone else.

"This seems like a cult and I feel like the cult's head... What's with the circle? Haha?" After hesitating a bit they seated around me in a circle and looking at them I can tell beyond a doubt they worked on their instinct trying to protect me...Such giantly dangerous men sitting here concerned about me haha...

" You eggheads! I wanted a walk and Pietro you know that better than anybody was an accident and it isn't anybody's fault.. and all is well that ends well... Princess in distress  was saved by her king, I got to live a true fairy tale and now...I'm very much alive and kicking...". I kicked my leg a bit and they all chuckled .

"Oh sissy you scared us all!". Luigi said pinching my nose making me laugh...       " What an achievement...I scared the Red Rose Mafia men!, haha! Wait till this information leaks out Haha!!! ". They all broke out in fits of laughter except Jimmy...No worry he'll be laughing soon.

"You make this place more lively... It wouldn't have been really nice if anything happened to... I can't even think about it...We all pledged  to protect you.. ". Bob said after a moment "You know I hated you". His eyes widened when I said it, I did ...he called me a little girl after all... "Not anymore haha, Now... I love you guys". Genuinely I have come to love them all like brothers....How do I not? They are all sweethearts to me...Yeah I can't really say they are nice to all far as I know....None of them are engaged in serious relationship.

" But you love me the most don't you?". Luigi said wiggling his brows making everybody chuckle, he really is a clown..."I love you all the same...". "She's just saying that to keep your heart guys , I know she loves me the most". " Yeah Right you Psyco". Pietro muttered under his breath...not again!

"Okay Okay! Now maintain that smile and tell me what even was in that Garden?". I asked cutting off their argument, all quarrels are one side and Pietro and Luigi's bantering  is on one...they just don't know how to stop...

Gabe explained me how the garden works and how Amerigo's dad and mom together made the time of war...      " Whoa...I must say scientists should study Rigo's family genes, bell they all were hamn smart! But...What if a family member forget about entering the code?". My curiosity is subsiding my headache..."There are guards responsible for it moreover the security system has records of Royal family members and their friends ...". " That includes...?".  " Amerigo, Us five, Martha and now you...I was going to save your data in the system, we really didn't know....". " That the first time I'll get out of palace , I'll straight jump into the so called death Garden, haha nice!". I said cutting off Gabe and we all laughed but it striked me " Hey? There weren't any guards when I got there?? Why so ?".
I asked confused and they immediately got silent.

"Uhhh...They got a bit lousy...they were supposed to be there but...". " Wait wait wait....they got lousy and made a mistake....Rigo don't forgive mistakes....Oh.My.God. Are they okay???". I asked cutting his next words off.. "Uhh... King can answer that question better...". Gabe said and I frowned " He's busy with doctor and I don't think he'll answer my this question". " I doubt he answers your any question". Pietro said and everybody chuckled still Jimmy was serious just staring at me...What has gotten into him?

I wanted to ask him if he's okay but my focus shifted on Pietro words and my curious brain woke up.." What do you mean?". "He means that you guys must be busy jumping on each other whenever together so less talk more fuck! No question and answers Sissy just moans and groans, You understand?".  
Uhuhhh....Wowwww....They all broke into fits of laughter obviously laughing at my expression. They say first thing that comes to their mind... eggheads!

We all were talking and laughing My eyes fell on Jimmy once again, he was now laughing with everybody but it didn't reached his eyes. I always felt a connection with him... It's like something about him calls me...I had felt him staring at me in past but it never made me uncomfortable... it's more like when you stare at a person who reminds you of something....or someone.

Bob is the muscles, Gabe the brains, Pietro is the one who keeps everybody in line, the calm one...and of course Luigi the clown of the group but Jimmy is....hard to moment he's the fun and not care about the world type at the same time it feels like he hides a whole serie of emotions inside.... behind that happy go lucky facade there's something else...that he doesn't express....and right now he went back to his facade again.    

I couldn't stop myself and called him.       " Jimmy?". " Yeah?". He instantly answered smiling and I looked at everybody else...I can't talk to him about this here infront of them.." Nothing...Just don't laugh too much, I'm seconds away from smashing your face". He laughed even harder...along with all these softy men...this time it was genuine...and it made me happy that I could put it there...Now I feel better.

" Okay Sissy!!! Stop!You know I'm a palmist?". Luigi said and we all stopped and looked at him..." What? Really?".        " Yes!"  The rest of  them whined and shaked their head in a no " They are just jealous of my talent!" He came near me and took my hand in his " Hmm... Interesting...You know what I see?".          " No?". I said and making them all cackle .

" Psycho!". Pietro muttered and Luigi rolled his eyes "Idiot just stop it!". Jimmy said chuckling " You stop it ! Let me focus!". " Guys! Haha let him focus!". I said and they all put a finger on their mouth still stifling their roar of laughter
" I see...You love me the most sissy.... I'm your best brother!". He said and they all groaned whereas a loud laughter.... erupted from my throat...." Say it or you will be cursed Sissy , say it!". " Haha!!!!". " Come on Say it!!! ". "Haha, I love you all the same!!! And I won't say it !  haha!!!!". He frowned but soon joined us.

Bob says I make this place lively but in reality they made my life lively....


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