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Sera POV

" Do I know this guest?"."You do". To the point.. nothing new but he can give me a little more than that...We had to cut short our day and come back to palace to meet this person...Rigo seemed a bit angry when he got to know about this mystery guest...

"If you had to choose between good and bad what will you choose?". Where is this coming from?
"I will choose you... Always..."."I'm not a good person"."Let me be the judge of that..."."What if I did something to hurt you...What if I really hurted you...?". He asked and I halted at my place stopping him too..."Where is this coming from Rigo?"."I asked a question first". The king won't change his attitude will he? I sighed and looked in his eyes...which were boring holes in me..."You can kill me if you want and I'll die happily... People will call me crazy or call this a negative love...or I don't know but I mean it besides you can never hurt me...I know just said you love me...". "What if I hurted someone close to you? Then what?". What the actual bell?! "Rigo...I gave you my heart , soul, body, I surrendered everything I am to you... are the closest to are in me... You. question isn't even valid".

"I love you Sera...I don't care about anyone else... I'm still the same person who ripped apart the intestine from a person just for crossing me...imagine the limits I would go for the person who have turned into my addiction...or better there isn't a chose me entered in my hell willingly... there isn't a way out...". He said turning around...but why is he talking like felt more like a warning...that don't for a second think he have changed....then a confession of love...

When we got inside the palace... immediately I saw a tall figure sitting in the corner having a we got closer my eyes widened...and I felt the very air choking me...he looked so handsome...he wasn't wearing any sort of makeup now... he wasn't wearing the fake lenses anymore...I can't believe it! He couldn't be...How did I never noticed....I know it... I know in my heart who he is..."Dad...?"."My heart...".

"I was there when you were born...a little bundle of my light...A mafia King...I was a damn Mafia King who Never ever felt scared but when I holded you...I was scared...that what if I didn't holded you in a correct posture...what if your soft bones got crushed if I hugged you tight...what if you drank milk of incorrect temperature..what if this... what if that...I know the first word you said was cried a whole day on the first day of your learned to walk when you were just eleven months old... let's not even talk about the amount of guys I punched who tried to Fuck with you... your Teenage years were the worst...I never left can I? You won't ever understand... maybe this bastard Greco will but you will never ever understand...I ripped my heart away the day I had to get sidelined and send you to Rosaline when you were only four...for your safety...still that happened! It fucking happened! You are my heart and this Fucking mafia tried to hurt you? My own blood? My heart?"." Daddy....". I hugged him throat was feeling heavy and I wasn't able to breathe...I hugged him tightly as if my life depended on it...and he lulled me in his arms..."I'm sorry...I' sorry...". I sobbed wasn't the first time I was hugging him but yet it felt like it...maybe because this is the first time there weren't any disguises between us..."It's Okay... it's not completely your fault dear...shh...". After crying for I don't how long in his safe embrace I finally quietened....still sniffles could be heard but atleast I wasn't sobbing my heart out now...I pulled away from him and only one question troubled me... I looked back and forth between Armen and dad

" The letter was fake wasn't it?"."My daughter indeed...Yes it was...". Dad said laughing " That man wasn't you was it?". This time dad was shocked... What? After hugging him the safety, this wierd comfort that I felt was unique...It was easy to guess...
"No it wasn't..."."The truth dad...Armen... please...I need it....".

Suddenly a silence took place and just the moment I heard her voice...."The truth is a long painful story sweetheart... you don't need it to corrupt you up even more...". Mom...?
I turned around and mom was standing there with a smile on her face that literally scared me..."I told you to fucking rest didn't I Rosa?". Dad said with a voice so dark that I literally got the goosebumps...."And I told you to bring my Sera back! Immediately! And here you are having a tea party with this Monster?!"."Sera is my daughter not yours..."."I raised her!"."Rosa you are just her aunt". Wait what? That's not my mom?!

I was suddenly pushed into rock hard chest...and his scent immediately calmed me down...Sera... he's real... he's matter what... he's here..."Anderson I only allowed you here... because you were ready to sign the fucking peace treaty but I'm not tolerating this bitch!". These are the first words he said in past half an hour...

It all happened in a slow motion when he pulled out his gun and shot her chest...
" RIGO!". I shouted but suddenly I heard aunty laughing maniacally... "You thought I would enter into Devil's lair without preparation?". She was wearing a bullet proof jacket but because Rigo's bullet was so sharp it did pierced through her body making het blood seep out ever so slowly...she was laughing..." Rosa she loves her and so does he...let it go...". I don't know what they are talking about but aunty now was crying....I am not able to see the women who raised me...the woman who taught me about love....she looks crazy..."Let it go? Let it go you bastard? I dont know about you but I considered Ava my daughter!"."And she have forgiven him!"."But I won't!"." That's it". Rigo said and pushed my head in his chest hiding I know what...because then I heard that wierd sound once again...that I have grew so familiar with...

I punched into his chest "No! No!". That's the woman who raised matter what! "Please!!". But he was tightly hugging me back with his one hand... shushing me up... while I heard her groan in pain...and her last words halted my weak struggles and grew limp in Rigo's arms... "Do... think she'll...ahh!!! Shit!...she'll love you o..n.ce she knew that... pass...ed the order of ra....pi... raping Av...Ava? And guess what I did it...Happy....was a big bitch! So I did it! Amerigo! And your father couldn't do a single thing!". Suddenly I heard a series of shot and when I pushed Amerigo away...Dad was emptying his gun in aunty's head....her whole face was meshed from the bullets and I felt the bile forming in my throat....Noo....


Ohh...too many things in one chapter....Well!!! It's your own sister!!!! Gold! With a New chapter!!! New year!!!!

I updated Accidental AND Just you in three hours!!! Score! I'm utilising my holiday nicely in my I mentioned earlier in Accidental that I was having hot chocolate in my bed too... and yes I have finished my hot chocolate...😂😂😂 That's why a new update... becauseeeee... drinking hot cocoa needs attention!!!  Yes...I'm a crazy foodie! 😂😂😂

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