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Sera POV

" Sis say something ". " Have she turned mute?". "Just clean it up damn it ". I could hear all their voices but couldn't say anything, what was I supposed to say ? There were two men dead , one shot in head and other at head and in  heart , I was trembling, I knew what he does, I have seen it too but this is still a shock everytime ,Amerigo was sitting in his chair looking every bit of a Dark King tiger just staring at me...

" Is that for me ? ". He asked finally getting up from his seat and stalked over to me , I don't know how in the world I'm still holding onto this pie? I wanted to surprise him with a apple cream pie my mom's special but here I am getting surprise of the year myself.

I looked in his eyes , dark completely dark and filled with evil , I chose him...I chose him  knowing everything,
I fell for him , I still feel that warm , bubbly yet strong feelings towards him , I him, I don't think my heart cares about what he does , why ?  Because for me he's not some ruthless Mafia King, for me he's still my mischievous pervy Rigo , who holded me tight in his arms last night, who wiped my tears , who heard me and who cursed my friend just for disturbing my sleep and I'm still.. his  nutcase baby squirrel.

" Yeah ". I managed to say "Luigi please clean this mess a bit faster ". They all looked at me shocked now " I said fast guys, I need to spend some time with my fiance ". And they all nodded moving their hands at a speed of lightening with a smile.

I took Amerigo's hand and pulled him to move towards his seat but he didn't budge " This is me Sera , This is my everyday life and you have to get used to these things  ". He said  and I sighed " Of course..I know if they were here with you then they can't be matryr themselves anyways The pie is getting cold, it tastes better slightly warm , let's talk while eating  ". I can't explain why I'm ready and able to handle every single thing as long as he's with me without telling him my true feelings and I'm so glad he didn't pushed it.

I was going to sit in front of his seat when he suddenly pulled me and made me sit on his lap , placing the pie on the table , I didn't protested because I know it's of no use and to be honest, I like it too "You made this ? ". He asked and I nodded looking in his eyes
" Yeah my mom's special, she makes it even better but I tried". The truth is I was missing mom and I wanted to do something for Amerigo, he made it so much easier to take all the information in, I don't know how I would have reacted if I had got to know all these things from someone else. He took a bite and had a utter serious expression and then he looked at me"Out" He said with a calm voice and I looked at him confused what kind of reaction is that ?I Then I heard the shuffling and I remembered the guys were here too..I had completely forgotten that...

" It's nice but something is missing". He said and my heart sank, I didn't tasted it so I don't how it tastes , is amount of sugar is not right? Is it baked too much or what ? My thoughts were holded on stop when he started kissing me and like always I forgot everything else , I can taste the pie on him, his tongue is not fighting with mine this time , it's more like caressing me , tasting me , a more softer kiss but from this too I was getting wet and I gasped when his hands found my lady , his eyes continuously looking into mine and  in a one swift motion his finger was rubbing my whole slit.              " Rigo...". He pulled away the next very moment and I let out a strained voice
"Why did you stopped?" I asked and he gave me a cocky grin and licked his one finger that was glistening  with my moisture " it tastes perfect just like you... your essence was missing in it Sera  ". I seriously think if he reads  romantic poems?  " This is little too much Rigo...". He tugged me closer and placed a hand on my neck, whoa...did it got hotter in here, please throw a bucket of ice on me...the ham  man is not helping my situation here in my lady part with his face almost smashing against mine "Wait till our wedding night fiance , just wait till you be Mrs. Greco, I'll show you exactly that there is never a too much with Amerigo fucking Greco and  I already told you and I'll tell you again , I have never tasted anything as good as your cream ".

" You want to wait till our marriage? ". He chuckled " Too much for you ? ".
" No I'm just surprised, you know I'm ready to...". He stuffed a piece of pie in my mouth obviously to shut me up politely and said "My to be Queen is special enough to deserve a special first time ". " Do you read romantic books or poems? ". I couldn't stop myself and asked  blushing after finishing the big bite he stuffed in my mouth ."I'm anything but romantic squirrel though I do say what I want ". I was about to ask him some more questions when out of nowhere he said "You wanted to talk to your dad right?". " Yeah ". He nodded stuffing his mouth with pie opening his phone to do something and while he did that I noticed it's almost finished, It feels good to know that he liked it enough to eat it almost whole"Anderson?". He said  darkly placing the phone on table.


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