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Amerigo POV

"Where the heck is Sera eggheads?". I asked these idiots an d they are just looking at each other, Where is she? Everybody is at table except her. She's not even in the room, I looked at Pietro and instantly knew that he is hiding something , I know how to read faces better than any Physiognomist alive .

" Pietro where is Sera ? ". He smiled and said" Last time I saw her she was going out for a walk ". He said and I really controlled my urges to beat him "Why didn't you tell me sooner? ". "You didn't asked me, you asked eggheads ". I closed my eyes  pinching my nose "Who the fuck is with her ?". I looked at him as his face changed colors and I didn't liked it one bit "It's been quite a while and.... nobody is wi..". That's it , I pulled out my gun and pointed it right at his leg.

" Amerigo calm down shooting me wouldn't solve anything Please....put the gun down, she promised to be on premises, Gabe check the CCTV right now". I calmed down a bit and sat down massaging my temples with one hand.      " Fucking do it already" I said.

" Shit! How the fuck did she get there?". Gabe said and I opened my eyes alarmed
"Where the fuck is she?". Gabe looked at me a bit scared ???  he's never... scared...and when he showed me the iPad... I didn't waited a second longer before dashing out of the dining room towards Garden....she was in the fucking garden...Half hour just half hour
...I don't even know for how long she's in there, the person entering the garden have to enter the code in the gate while entering, if not done so the whole garden automatically releases deadly toxic gases within half mom made this place as gardening was her hobby but my father converted this place into a trap , it's like a Venus flytrap for the enemies who use it as there hideout during fights or any other unwanted guest , it's really dangerous but it's always guarded, What the fuck were guards doing when she got in there...Sera, she's in there , a pain is filling my chest thinking about something may she's fine..

When I got there the whole place was filled with smoke, I covered my nose and entered the code to stop this immediately but I can't wait for the smoke to clear ..." Amerigo no!!". Pietro voice called but I ignored them all, only thing on my mind was Sera , she was in there.... alone.

I wrapped an handkerchief around my face and nose and got in the garden.
As far as I know Sera , she would have taken the Jasmine flower route , so I decided to first go there.. I ran with every twist and turn " SERA!!! SERA!! Fuck SERA!!". The Jasmine route was at verge of finishing..and still there was no trace of Sera. I was about to go in other direction when I saw a dark figure laying on the ground unconscious.            " Sera?". I ran towards her and immediately pulled up her body bridal style " Sera? Sera? Baby? hell open your eyes!". I didn't waste anytime because I know how dangerous those toxins are ..I ran with her in my arms out of this fucking place ... something hard was gripping my chest like vines...

" Doctor is in your room already ". Pietro said but my mind was on squirrel..., she looked so pale but throwing my thoughts out of window , I managed to get in my room with her in my arms " Save her or lose your life".I said to the doctor and he shaked up with fear , placing her on bed I sat directly next to her on a chair and if these docs are sane they'll know not dare even ask me to get out of here while they are treating her .

After doctors started their work , I saw her finally in all light , she looked pale and worn out but still gorgeous, I could see the streaks of tears on her beautiful face, she was crying? Why?I remember how she was laughing with me , I was having a good time with her, she was seducing me ?? Why was she crying then ? Just hours before she was in my arms and now she's... laying here like this...her squeakings..her smile...I want to see it all again and I always get what I want...She can't go! She can't fucking go

"Damn you baby squirrel ,you just can't be left alone can you ? Hmm? We will deal with it later But listen to this for now Sera , You are mine, I'll decide when you'll go and right now you can't go , the very God do not have any right over you , Just me squirrel....and I ask you to get the fucking up". I said and suddenly there were sudden high fluctuations on ECG machine and doctor started moving faster, doing something on her body, I didn't liked it one bit but I know it's necessary . Due to their frantic movement the the vines were again gripping my chest....until he said...

" Woww..I have not seen such a fast response to treatment before, she is a strong one". I nodded and looked at him ." How long before she gains consciousness ". "Till tomorrow morning  King , it's a good thing she didn't inhaled it much, I am staying here  and will check on Miss in the morning  again  ". He said and fixed few things on her bed with her colleagues and took his leave.

I have been  staring at her for past hour only thinking how this little treasure is making me feel so many things at same time.... One moment care , another possesive, next lust, smiling and laughing ,  anger and  happiness and now after so many years, I didn't know if it was even possible the same vines that gripped me years ago...I felt them again...I was ...scared , scared for her life. "Get up soon Precious , I want to hear your idiotic squeakings and want to see Miss tomato too. " I kissed her forehead and left the room.

Now the time to deal with the fuckers due to whom my squirrel is in this condition, a red fury is filling me up and I want to torture the very soul of these soon to be dead men. 


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