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Amerigo POV

"Why didn't you killed her boss ?" Luigi asked with a scowl and the bastard Pietro was grinning like a cheshire cat sitting on my couch in the corner , what crawled up his ass?? " Yes boss,why didn't you killed her " Pietro asked with that cheeky smile . I pulled out my gun and pointed it at Luigi with lazy hands  . "Whoa boss , I get it ,you don't want  to answer , Let's talk about that damn roach who  was working with Tony then , It's the CCTV incharge Marco , but we don't know where he is, right at this moment?". " Then what's the point of the whole story dumbass ? " Pietro said now glaring at Luigi and looking more attentive , not his fault we haven't slept all night and it's 5 in the morning and I was only thinking about my baby squirrel, it's taking almost everything in me to not barge in her room and take her right there and then , it's not her looks but her eyes , she has such a innocence, purity , a hint of mischief but mostly a deep hidden grief which she's hiding so well but not from me , pain can't hide from me it's a emotion I know too well , I wanted to know what's hurting my squirrel no, not my anymore.

I don't have any ownership of her I had to let her go after she pleaded in front of me about leaving , she wanted a chance to leave and even a kid with a lollipop know that I give one chance to every fucking body , no matter what my dick and my body says , she was just a girl anyways, who just seemed to be more prettier and cute and innocent and stop.. then any other girl I've been with, hell can she just leave my mind maybe it's a good thing I let her go yeah that's what the problem is I let her go !!!  that has never happened before hence the reason behind Luigi's confusion .

I don't care about who watches me killing,  hell not a single one of them has guts to go against me , every single person in whole Italy see me as a buisness man but the one who are lucky enough to know about my identity about the  Head of Red Rose Mafia and is alive have engraved in their brains that I have no heart , my body is a machine made to kill and I don't give second chances you can ask for it  from God himself when you meet him after crossing me.

I'm serious about my work it's a kind of buisness too and I'm damn serious about the people entering my personal office it's damn personal for a reason I don't want to think about it right now but nobody I mean nobody has ever seen outside  world after coming in here without my permission not even Pietro and Luigi enter in here  unless I ask them to and that brings me back to these eggheads who dared to  eat cheetos in my office arguing about which one's a bigger idiot Tony or Marco.... so casually like it's a picnic spot, that's it  they pulled the last string.

" Boss, Boss!! stop it the damn bullet can hit us  " Luigi said when I started hitting randomly on floor , I only use guns with silencer , less noise pollution , less trouble and more killing  " Damn Boss that was close" Pietro muttered under his breath moving casually towards the other couch and sat on it " Amerigo my love,  my dear friend , stop it please " okay now he is asking for it! " Who needs to worry about death when a idiot like you is present in room who snatches away death's all attraction , Oh by the if your idiot brain can't process it...the death here  is Amerigo "." Pietro just shut it!!! Look Boss we all know you will shoot me right now if I said sorry but I got an amazing news to make it up to you " .

"This better be good enough for Amerigo to be not shooting you atleast once ". Pietro said looking in our direction but this time Luigi settled for glaring at him probably really wondering if the news is good enough and he should because the sentence he used was definitely a bullet receiving one , he's aware of that.

I pointed the gun on his foot and signalling him to continue " The car is ready to launch ". Pietro stood up now and  I hummed and removed the gun Luigi took an audible sigh.

This is the car we've been working on for so long, this car can bring a revolution in world of vehicles it's expensive but worth it,  it's horsepower is higher than Ferrari itself , fully automatic in everyway, safety like no other, even a 5 year old  can drive this car not that I'll suggest it."Fix that interview in Venice with the news channel that was constantly bugging       us ".

Luigi nodded and went back to the work ,  he manages my car buisness whereas Pietro  manages hotels and clubs , I run everything but there's a deep connection with cars, it's my favourite of course after Mafia , it's my top priority, It  demands attention all the time , one mistake and you're dead but that's the rush I crave , the adrenaline I get after killing is like no other well it was like that until I jumped in those water pool eyes , the Jasmine's scent  mixed  along with her unique body fragrance intoxicated me , the moment I held her chin , I am ready to swear on anything that was the rush I never got and maybe never get it again, that thought was enough to bring down the boner that was coming to life due to thinking about her , with this condition I don't think I'll be able to fuck any other woman.

Mr.dick needs to understand it can't have what it wants , she's gone now, with time it'll get used to it , yeah.. it has to get used to it , I need some good fucking, she left , now she needs to leave my mind too .

I heard that the  reporter of the news station in Venice is hot...I got some fucking and killing to do, Venice here I come


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