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Amerigo POV

When we got to mansion, I went to her side and started waking her ,  she was out like century old lights , I didn't wanted to wake her up , she looked so peacefull and beautiful to do so but being a selfish bastard I am I wanted to see her beautiful eyes and hear her voice.  "Squirrel wake up , you need to wake up precious ". Bravo she opens her eyes  but enough now" Oh.. you are taking too much time". I lifted her up , I wanted some sort of skin contact after all she feels like a cotton ball  "Eeepp.." she squeaked out "Hahaha,  What was that?" She continues to amuse me , Since the moment I met her I've laughed so much that I haven't in my whole life , Mafia world takes all your attention   "You mastard put me down ".she said trying to sound angry and I know she secretly loves it  as I say her eyes are open book easy to read like nursery rhymes.    " I gave you enough time to wake up squirrel, time is money and i love my money, so I did the next best thing " . I squeezed her perfectly round ass , can't help it !!! It's right there             " You..You.. "." What , mastard? That I am squirrel ". I'm that and so much more my baby squirrel " Stop taking advantage perv , put me down ". If admiring the body of someone is being pervert then I am the biggest Perv and I want to see Miss tomato now ."You are squeaking too much squirrel, i know many ways to shut you up , you know the way I did in the car was just one of them, You wanna try others? ". She instantly stopped her useless and pointless ramble,  slightly blushing but not being Miss tomato, maybe I'll wait for it and let her take in my house.

she started to look around with awe . She was more mesmerizing then any of these materialistic things It felt nice to know she  admired the mansion,  it's really old yet modern due to quarterly renovations , it's been in my family for ages .   " Woww.. " She gasped out , Although I know the answer still I want to hear it from her delectable mouth.       " You like it? " She looked at me funny and said  " like it ?? Like it.. it's a ham palace, i love it ". I released a breath i was holding and she giggled, that was the cutest sound I had pleasure to hear,   " But you know you don't want to put me down I get it, atleast stop squeezing my breasts ". I hadn't realised I was doing it but I pinched her nipple for being sassy with me   "RIGO.." she screamed audibly at it , nice it wasn't loud enough for but it'll work for now " Yes , precious" I said and I could see her getting ready to protest so I did what any man would do in this condition I fucking kissed her life out her while carrying her bridal style yes I did it because why kiss the boring style when there are so many ways , I want to try every single way with her  showing every single person here who she belongs to  i moved further towards the house" Rigo.."  I love  when she says it , the name is a sign of drowning barriers between us , she only said that when she wasn't in control and submitted to me , I want her to lose control whenever she's with me but the two eggheads decided to ruin the moment  " Boss , we don't want to give the old Martha a heart attack ". Well it did one good thing Miss Tomato was back  " Godd..Rigo.." She hid her face in my neck her hot breath tickling it making me hard " I'm not God Miss tomato". Ignoring her breathes on my neck I asked those two idiots for Martha, I had asked her to prepare few things for squirrel I wanted to know if they were ready and went towards my room with miss tomato ." You can put me down now, everybody is looking". She said shyly "Well hello miss tomato decided to come out of shell, anyways, you should know by now that I don't care who looks at us , it's better to show them that only I can convert you into ripen tomato and only I can have your cream and doughnuts but just to make you feel better they are ought to bow down in front of me, so they are not looking at all , it's all in your nutty brain squirrel ". I explained it to   her , I am used to the bowing stuff by now , it had always been the same way for years, we are Mafia royalty it's sort of important to do so and I don't mind it anymore " I don't have a nutty brain, I'll slap you next time if you called me a nutcase ". Uhhuh.. Slapping , I'm liking this side of her  " Oh yeah , then why is it so hard for you to understand simple things such as you belong to me and you can slap me all you want with your doughnuts ". I winked at her and she just gaped at me for a minute , that's right squirrel I always win.

"A person is not a property to belong to someone and I know I made a deal with you so I and only me.. just me.. belong to you , understand ". I know she didn't meant to say it out loud but it did made me smirk and happiness filled my chest , I'm discovering new feelings with her      " So you do accept you belong to me now, so you don't have that much of a nutty brain"  well too bad it's time for punishment, I place her on my bed and she looks like a whole damn full course meal spreaded out on my bed , I hovered over her and started grinding onto her pussy , hmm it feels good.. too good..         " Rigo..."  She moaned making me harder  " Oh.. my.. Rigo.." I like it too much and started grinding faster . " So I am yours now?? ". I said to her smirking, she has closed her eyes now  " What do you want squirrel ". I started flicking her clit to which she panted out " You... I want ... You "  You'll only want me after I'm done with you squirrel , I started rubbing her faster on her clit and she was a moaning mess I knew she was close and I pinched  her diamond hard nipple one more time and stopped  " What the bell is this Rigo " She's my innocent precious but she deserves it for making things  so hard for me . " Your punishment Precious for taking so much time to understand such a muffin eating simple thing ". I almost wanted to give in seeing her pouting face and condition of my dick but it's important, I command respect from everybody and she's included          

" Martha is coming you should cover up no..."  I opened the door and here she is, I greeted her and she smiled so lovingly at me  , I like Martha too much and adore her , Loved  her at some point but I don't love anybody anymore , the first time in years I realised I have a heart was when I saw Sera but I don't love her hell I met her two days ago , yes she's going to be my queen but that because I need one by my side and she's worthy candidate and mine anyways.  " Good evening miss.." She greeted her politely like she does with everybody and I smirked at her efforts to cover herself up   " Good evening dear , please call me Martha"  I can feel a bond forming between them , I was about to leave when Martha started streching her legs to whisper something in my ear and I leaned down at that " You found a good one ".   She said and I smiled at it and kissed her cheek , leaving the room , I looked at Sera one more time and she was still trying to fix the shirt , she  looked at me with a scowl and I just smirked.

She's definitely a good one , I can't even describe the things I am feeling, I am a completely different yet the same me with her , it doesn't even make sense but if she's capable of doing so much things to me in such a short period of time then I don't know what will happen in future but I know this for sure that If somebody is even a little bit capable of making me fall in love it's her .


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