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Amerigo POV

Her crying turned into sniffles and slowly into snores and I was still running my nose in his neck savouring the jasmine, It was a lot to take for her but she had to know this and face this.

I know she have many questions and still I'm trying to figure out things  Jake Anderson is not the one you want to mess with , there's a reason I almost like him , I had a idea that he has a daughter, I thought she would be a seductive assassin never have I ever thought she would be like this .I do have a idea but I have my doubts , that man for many years believed in fucking and leaving hell he himself told me " Boy do you know what's the most lethal weapon?". He had asked me that question when I was thirteen  and clearly I said no 'Women boy , they are like a poison, a slow sweet poison that will lead to you to death door and you won't even realise never get involved with them just fuck them and leave them except one , your Queen , choose her wisely , respect her fuck her and get a heir  but never fall in love with her , we don't have place for love in our life it's disgusting anyways, Got it ' Looking at Sera I smile thinking what will he say now? Because if Mark Anderson was a part of her life that means he does care about her unless snark Mark was meeting her without the knowledge of Anderson , which is clearly not possible but why in the world he left his family if he cared about them after this many years what irked him to change completely?

Well nothing will matter if he tried taking Sera from me , he'll be dead , he's lucky that I didn't killed him just for thinking about taking her,  only for old times sake and the respect I hold for him. The phone I bought for her today  rang , who could be calling her at this hour of day ? in all this I didn't had the moment to give it to her,I placed Sera on the bed and left the room picking it up.

Amerigo - Who is it ?

Ava - are not Se , Ahhh.!!! you are a man  and from your voice I can tell a super hot one ...did she finally do it ?? Are you her new boyfriend in the college? Is the college good?

I can see why they are best friends they both can ramble non stop.

Amerigo - I'm not her fucking boyfriend, I'm her fiance, she's sleeping right now you damn well don't call till morning.

Ava - Wait..

I cut her off and hanged up, It's a waste anyways, the stupid girl called me a fucking boyfriend fucking teenage girls .

I decided to do some work after a quiet dinner since the idiots are not here  and sleep is far from my eyes. The new model I'm working on is going to be a hit , I have always loved cars, the thrill is almost as good as killing and shooting but there is a new thrill that is at it's way of surpassing them all and that's Sera the sexy baby squirrel.

After almost working for few hours a knock came in , I opened the door from the button on my desk " Anderson have almost destroyed the serpent mafia Amerigo ". " And?" "He's Sera's dad do you really want to do this , maybe we can ta...". He asked, he was always the one to deeply think about the situation before acting on it but I cut him off.
" You know what a father means Pietro, he was never a dad to squirrel, she barely know him just increase the security, we will not  attack first but I want him dead as soon as he comes  here ". He nodded sighing and crashed onto the chair in front of me "Then let's talk about your wedding , I still can't believe the girl asked you stop whoring around and you agreed". I looked at him and he was grinning " You are lucky I am in a okay mood to even respond to this , You know how it is , I do respect the relation even though I hate it , It's necessary ,she wasted a wedding gift asking me for that ". I said honestly
"Hmm..You need her as a Queen and she's available. are you sure Amerigo is that all to it ? ". He asked wiggling his brows" Exactly now get out , I'm not going to play' let's talk about it ' with you ".What else is there she's my precious treasure that I'm officially claiming as my Queen because I can and it's easier this way.       " Yeah because you are going to have that with her". He muttered under his breath but I heard it " Pietro you know I haven't shot anybody today ". " You know I'm not scared of it do it whenever you want". He left saying that and friend or not I'm really tempted to shoot him , he is hard headed man more calmer than me and particularly the most reasonable person in this family.

I sighed and looked at the clock, It's already three in the morning , I have not slept more than 4 hours since that day after I lost her. Her beautiful smile, cute dimples everything is fresh as new in my mind , I still remember you my sweets . Nobody ever properly smiled  in this house since then until now, Sera  brought the same pure bright light with her , I still don't own her fully and the day I will mark her every single hole, her body and her soul as mine , she will have to tell me every single thing whether she wants it or not. I leaned on my chair and the only thing I saw was her body writhing under me as I pleasured her with my tongue , her pussy dripping wet just perfect to slide in easily and later her squeaking her sweet nonsense rambling, It really surprised me , who talks about punches and chatting after an orgasm? Of course I didn't show it though and I don't even want to go on the popsicles, Who knew watching someone licking popsicles can make someone that hard ? It was a damn erotic image ,  hell I wanted to feed her my popsicle .

I kept replaying every moment with her , not just her body but surprisingly her squeakings too in my mind this has happened for the first time I never think about a woman but then again I too have a long list of first timers with her because she's not like any other woman I have met , for starters I have never been somebody's first kiss and have such a strong urge to be her first everything.


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