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Sera POV

Breath... breath "You won't survive long if you kept holding your breath like that". "So this isn't a dream...". "This my sis is very real, now come on...everyone is waiting for you...just come inside after me okay..."."Okay...". I sighed... this is really happening....

Luigi went in giving my shoulder a shake with an encouraging nod and I closed my eyes...."Sera....look at me". This is the first time Miss Martha have called me by my name...."You guys are perfect for each other...full stop". She kissed my cheek and I saw her eyes watering before she got out of the car. Right now she is the closest mother Sera... don't go there...go inside...

I took a deep breath and got out of car and a strong sweet aroma of Jasmine hit me...I finally looked up to see the source and the whole ham place was the source...It was a cute little church....laden with jasmines all over the place, a path from Jasmines was decorated for the bride, for me...

One word... Mindblasting... Though even after being surrounded by all this beauty,it didn't helped my raging heart one bit....I am not able to describe the emotions I'm feeling, how do you explain this feeling... I'm marrying to the love of my life who doesn't love me...and my mom who taught me all about love isn't even here...My Ava...who survived the worst for me doesn't know anything about this, I don't know where my Uncle who I admire so much is? And let's not even talk about my dad...he wants to kill Rigo....

Behind the door once again my life is about to take a turn....for better or for worst I don't know...I heard some noises coming from inside and only one sound caught my attention...Rigo...he was scolding someone...yet again...but right now just my hearing his voice calmed my racing heart a bit...he makes me happy... despite everything I can't imagine a life without him and the guys anymore.That thought rejuvenated my soul with a newfound energy and with the deepest longest breath I can take...I opened the door.

A soft music started playing...and there he was epitome of perfection... Looking at him...I forgot everything else...My all attention zeroed on this man here...who looks wowww....thoughts about anyone else long left my mind...he wiped all my doubts from just one look...I wasn't scared anymore... the wierd nervousness was nowhere to be found.

He is my peace...I wish someday I could be the same for him. I didn't know how I got in front of him...but I did...somehow...Without tripping.His hazelnut latte eyes were solely focused on me...with a dark look... accompanied with The.Look. but there was something else in his eyes today...there was a glint in them which wasn't there before....What is it???I was so lost in that glint that I didn't even noticed...father was saying something...

" Dear.."."Yeah...Yes?". "You may exchange the vows and then the rings" For the first time I looked at the father...He looks so old that even Martha seems like a kid in front of him...but he has this sweet aura around all honesty...I like that aura... something is very familiar about it..."Now...". He said motioning me to start it...I shaked my head and looked back at heart overflowed with love for him....It's time...I can't hold it in anymore...I don't want to hold it in anymore...

"I love you.. Amerigo soul trembles in fear at the thought of living without you because you have written your name on own feels like even the breath I take takes permission from you...and I love your very essence, the dark chocolate sweetbitter voice, your hazelnut latte eyes...which keeps all the pain locked away and give me nothing but a sense of security and comfort...The way you care about me..Rigo..nobody have ever done that for me...You have no idea what you gave me Rigo...with my every single cell I promise to be yours...I promise to share things with you I would never with anyone live for you and if necessary to die for you...and I Oreo swear on that.There's so much to say...but so less time...So for now...I think...this". I said it all in one breath and there was a pin drop silence...what unsettled me was the poker face he was wearing....This is so embarrassing...I confessed my love in front of him and I was only greeted with a pin drop silence?

Nobody said anything for a two minutes and finally he cleared his throat... Please don't reject me now...
"Only you can make me speechless... And since you said enough for both of us... let's exchange the rings..". What did you expected a heartfelt vow? Stupid Stupid Sera... Atleast he didn't rejected you!...

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL! That isn't a FUCKING VOW!". Wait...Ava??? I looked around to see if I'm dreaming but there she was standing next to Luigi in a captivating pink gown with her hairs styled in a loose "Sit down Ava". Luigi said pushing her down but she slapped his hand away " I dare you to touch me again you moron! She did an Oreo swear! And the Rude dude didn't even said anything back!". She made an attempt to come upto me but Luigi caught her by her waist..." Don't test me!". Okay Luigi looked really mad...

"Ava! Luigi!". I called him but was cuttoff when suddenly Rigo slipped the ring in my finger and pulled my other hand to make me slip it in his finger too.... wait he is really doing it like this "Rigo...". He pulled me in his chest "I now pronounce you husband and wife...You may kiss her now...". Wait what??? Are we married? That's it? Before I could look at him...He kissed me and like always I melted in his arms...

"Let's go...". He said pulling me with him and I looked back at Ava...she was throwing the wedding cake at Luigi...And Pietro was just sitting in the corner with an amused smile, father was laughing along with Miss Martha...Where Bob, Jimmy And Gabe were stuffing their mouth with the rest of the food... betting on who is going to win out of Ava and Luigi... This.Is.A.Mess

"Rigo....they ar..."."They will be fine... precious...You love my essence right? Let's see if your pussy loves it too? Moreover you know I'm hungry Squirrel... Maybe your doughnuts can help me...You are my wife right... wouldn't want to keep me hungry? Do you? ". doughnuts!


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