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Sera POV

I have never felt so wierd and embarrassed...He completely ignored everything I said and acting like nothing happened...I mean I knew what did I got myself into when I fell for him...but....him ignoring me is sharply tormenting me...And especially when he got so quiet.... He's always quiet but right now... it's different. I have no idea what's he thinking as a result I am playing with's truly magnificent...a pinkish gem is bounded in a gold band... Rigo's ring is similar to mine...with a more masculine touch to it...the pink stone looked little odd on his fingers but the fact that it was complementing mine was a I was admiring the rings suddenly this thing clicked... "Rigo??..."."Yes?"."About did you...".

"A short notice at university and she was more than happy to come"."Ava agreed to come....Just like that?"." Of course not nutcase...She agreed to come here just like that but we had to house arrest her... I was very much convinced that she will stupidly try to run with you, Luigi was holding her at gunpoint during the whole ceremony". WHAT??? "That was my friend Rigo!". "Who you wanted at our wedding..."." I never said that"."You didn't needed to , you wanted her to be there just like you wanted the rest of your family". " My whole family was there???". "Not your whole family but your dad was".

"Wait my dad....". "Of course your dad knew that's why he was the wedding officiant". I usually don't need to complete my sentences before Rigo understands what I'm about to ask... Obviously that made me want to smile but these were a serie of disarrayed events... and my mind wanted answers... once again I didn't need to say anything before Rigo said chuckling "Your father thought I didn't knew but he forgot a little fact I'm Amerigo Greco...A three layer makeup and few baggy clothes along with a shit coloured lens would hide him from me? It was a ridiculous disguise that's for sure...".

My father officiated our wedding.... this time I couldn't stop the smile and I looked at was there in front of him but he didn't hurted him...For who else would he do so if not me? "Th...". I wanted to thank him for it but he stopped the car with a sudden break.

I looked forward in a shock and there were three grey cars out of which a line of few looking like terminators men came out...but what caught my attention was a lady that came out lastly...and a group of terminators encircled her in a protective way...she looked like...oh.. my....No...What the ducking bell is happening! "Rosaline...". Rigo said throwing the bucket of reality on me..."Mom???".

My mind is not able to comprehend things yet again and my eyes widened in horror when those terminators pointed a guns at us " Put this shit down my daughter is in there!". She said and they followed her order like obedient dogs...This can't be my mom...she is the most gentle soul I know!"Give me back my daughter Amerigo and this ends here".

"Go". Rigo said and I looked at him..."What???". "Go..Sera..."."I'm not leaving you!"." She's your mother, Go back to her if you want.. last chance". How can he even think so! "No!..."."I said last chance Sera"." And I said no Rigo! I meant every single word I said in that vow...". that's my mother...she has to understand when I will explain.

I opened the sunroof and got out ,
"Sese sweetie... Are you okay? He didn't hurted you did he? "." Mom please put these things down.. he would never hurt me!"."Do you even know who that is? A killer..a criminal, a damn Mafia K...". "My husband... he's my husband mom... Right now I don't know who you are?". I could see her visibly freezing at the spot before she regained her composure and a scary look crossed his face...

"Get down"... Amerigo said pulling out his gun and hovered me down forcely..."Don't even touch Sera!"."Come on Rosaline... we got married today , of course I won't just touch her... I'll fuck her...". That's my mom!"That's my daughter!". Mom said it the exact moment I thought it.

" No Rosaline... that's my sexy nutcase baby squirrel". He looked at me and smirked awakening my all lady parts...and stirring all the warm feelings in me..."Want to get out of here?". I nodded mindlessly... being so caught up in his eyes...

"Then hold on tight wife". A lovely new name..."OH MY DOUGHNUTS!!!".He suddenly shot somewhere and drifted the car in a rough circle two three times creating a smoke around stomach was rolling inside me and my head was spinning but I had never felt a rush like this before...Once again I forgot everything else.

Soon we were driving in direction opposite to them "Hahaha!!!". Its amazing! I could feel my stomach swimming in my abdomen...I could feel every slightest bump of road so softly like it's massaging my body... "I love it..."." Me too...".He said softly gliding across the twist and turns of the road like a dancer.

He looked like he was in his element...Rigo never looked at so much ease...he even had a contented smile on his face. It's plain to see that Rigo loves it...and when I looked outside the car...I realised something...
"Everything slowed down....". "What?"."You love control over things... Time is something you can't control...and when you drive at this speed everything else slows down... like Time slowed down according to your will... and that's why you love it". He was shocked....but I knew I was as correct as extra chocolate on doughnuts...

"You are a sharp observer". "Maybe not...". He increased the speed of car which I thought wasn't possible till now..."Look your someone even I know very little about... don't stress your already nutcasey brain think about yourself for a minute precious...just yourself...
Maybe think about...doughnuts".
" Seriously? This isn't...". "No! Seriously!". "RIGO!!! Get your hands back on steering!". "Autopilot".

Wait when did he..."This is....too much"."It's just a box of doughnuts nutcase". There were around ten doughnuts...He remembered every single flavour I told him that I liked...I thought he didn't even listened...It's not just a box of doughnuts...

"I thought you didn't noticed...". "I notice every single thing related to you". " You know you say quite romantic things ". " You admitting your love in front of whole chapel was romantic not this"."I...". "Why precious?". A two word question but the whole last month... my heart was trying to find a reasonable answer for it.

"Haha... I'll try my best to explain this why Rigo.... you completed me...Uhhh... it's like... like... You are like the warm bonfire in the peace of my nights and the prayers of are like this fire who never listens to me or sometimes like this water who...just silently unknowingly bows down to my every single wish...there is so so much more Rigo...there isn't a make me feel so many things at the same time... like you are tsunami and yet you are the one to give me a substratum to hold onto... like you are the sickness and you are the medicine to it...I know it's hard to understand but...You get it??? understand if you don't understand or if you don't love me, I don't ask for anything Amerigo, I just want to keep you with me, be with you in your world and in your heart...just.." "Please for me take a fucking breath Woman, we are here". "Huh?"."We are home... let's go". I looked outside and we were back to were back to our home....


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