Angel of Mine🥀

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Monica's house 📍
1 Week later

Monica pov

"Wait so are y'all together?" Tiny asked sitting on my bed. I just got back to Atlanta and the first thing I did was invite my girls over.

"I- I don't know we didn't have time to talk about that" I answered honestly. I don't know what's going on. One minute I'm mad at her and the next she's asking can she kiss me.

"So y'all ain't do nothing then! Y'all didn't successfully kiss and didn't establish what y'all were to each other. Young people these days mane!" Kandi said as I shoved her playfully telling her to shut up.

"Forget all that I'm still shocked little Ms.I can't date a girl, was tripping over a girl. And one she swore up and down she ain't even like as a friend." Toya added

"Y'all not helping me figure this out" I said growing frustrated. I've been over thinking this whole ordeal since the Grammys. I paused for a second noticing one person hadn't given their input.

"Tay, wassup you kinda quiet? I need help boo." I said playfully taking in her blank expression.

"Huh? Just in deep thoughts don't mind me. Nothing I um I think y'all would be cute." She rushed out well grabbing her bookbag.

"But I'll catch y'all later!" She rushed to the door closing it before we could say bye.

"That was weird" Toya side eyed us. 

"Very" Kandi agreed.

I was worried about Taylor but I also was still stuck on this whole situation with Brandy

After we almost kissed for the second time  things got a little awkward. But spending time together like we always did, doing our favorite things overshadowed that. I love hanging out with Brandy but I can't help but feel confused. I can't believe how close we've gotten in a matter of months.

If you would've  asked me three months ago I would probably laugh in your face. But the way I'm feeling right now is so unreal.

As much as a hate to admit it, I liked Brandy. Even though I was conflicted. This would change a lot between us.

What if didn't work out? Would we come out of the relationship hating each other?

I thought going home would give me the opportunity to think things over. Really understand my feelings with the help of my friends. However they were no help and I was even more confused then when we started.

The girls left a little while later just as my mom got home from work.

"Mama" I yelled running to hug her as she squeezed me tightly.

"My baby! How are you?" My mom asked as we sat on the couch.

"I'm okay. How about you?"

"I'm pretty good! And just okay? You would think after a Grammy win you would be great. What's going on?" Leave it to my mom to always see straight through me.

"It's nothing it's just-" Well I mind as well be transparent.

"Well, I think I like this person but I've never liked anyone like them before and I'm just confused. Like where did all these feelings come from especially so fast and I'm scared. What if I'm ruining a friendship just because of a temporary feeling."

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now