Its Not Right But Its Okay🥀

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Monica's pov

"Who? I didn't give- your keys away" I spoke in between a yawn. I sat straight up in the bed. She didn't get a chance to respond before my answer walked through the door.

"If you didn't give her my keys then why does she have them and walking in like she lives here..." She said.

"I- I don't know. I didn't give her your keys B... I wouldn't do that" I responded. I wouldn't give Taylor a key to anything let alone my house. I don't know how she got them, but it was not from me.

"Then how does she have them! Then you didn't even take off the keychain you gave me! That's disrespectful as hell! That was mine! How could you?" Her voice started to crack as she fought to finish her sentence. "Especially to her! Monica, you know I don't like that bitch-"

"-Um the bitch is right here" Taylor intervened and I've never wanted to punch her more. Obviously, this wasn't the time.

"Why are you still here?!" Brandy yelled causing me to stand up and pull her behind me.

"Taylor just go and give me the key. Since you don't know not to touch stuff that doesn't belong to you you're no longer welcome at my place..."

She walked up to me and dropped the key into my hand. "I can't believe you really switched up on me for this bit-" Before she could finish I slapped her. She ruined my nap and possibly my relationship. She had it coming.

She looked up at me with a shocked expression holding her face.

"Get to stepping!" I shooed her and watched as she left. I turned back around and seen Brandy grabbing some of her things.

"I really didn't give her these she must've grabbed them off of the table when I wasn't looking." I said and she just nodded moving around me.

"I wouldn't do that... you have to believe me" I said reaching my hand out to grab hers.

"You set it up so it was possible though..." she snatched her hand back and started walking towards the door.

"How?" I said, as I finally caught up to her. She ignored me and went into the kitchen. "Brandy... come on. I'm sorry"

As I made it into the kitchen I noticed the how good it smelled. It was then I realized she was cooking. "Can you say something? Please..."

"What you want me say? We both know I can't stay mad, so let's just forget about it." She said as she aggressively cut a piece of salmon.

"We don't have to forget it though... Just please forgive me." I said walking closer to her.
She paused from cutting and turned to face me.

"I always do. Right?" She scoffed before resuming her cutting.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. She shook her head before responding "Nothing.. I always forgive you. It is what it is." She walked around me to go to the refrigerator.

"Why are you mad then?" I asked leaning against the counter. My nap being interrupted was starting to catch up to me. I felt exhausted, but I needed to fix this first.

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now