I Can Love You🥀

870 32 61

Monica pov
The Next Morning

The sun hit my eyes before they opened causing me to squeeze the shut and rub them. I fully woke up and yawning as I grabbed my phone.

My phone felt like hell from being on FaceTime all night. I looked through my notifications to see what I messed and seen a text from Taylor.

Tay Tay: we need to talk

I reread the message at least a hundred times before texting back 'ok let me know when is cool for you'

First, she acts weird yesterday and now she wanna talk. I don't know what's this about but I'm getting worried.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I walked back to my room and started to pull out some clothes for the day before hearing my phone ding again.

Tay Tay: My last dance class ends at 4. Can I come over after ?

I typed back 'yea see you then. be safe <3'

I saw typing bubbles before the disappeared. I shrugged and put my phone back down. I pray she's not coming for no foolishness.

My phone dinged again

Tay Tay: thanks see you then💕

Can't wait to see what this is about

After I got dressed I heard rustling through my phone and a yawn.

"Oo you still on the phone" I heard her say as I walked over and grabbed my phone off the bed.

"Yeah, Good morning boujee"

"You gon stop calling me that" she sucked her teeth before saying "Good morning though, gangsta"

"Until I find a better nickname boujee it is!"

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes stretching a little and sitting up. "What you doing today?"

"Nothing really until later. Taylor wants to talk. What about you?"

"About what? And I'm going to the studio later."

"I don't know but she been acting weird lately"

"Weird like how?"

"She just hasn't been herself but I'm sure it's nothing"

We talked for a while longer before hanging up.

I got dressed in the clothes I picked out earlier. It was a juicy couture velour tracksuit, it was so comfortable.

It was around 4:30 when I got a text from Taylor saying she was 5 minutes away.

Welp let's see how this goes.

About 7 minutes passed and the door bell rung. I went downstairs and opened the door. "Hey Tay" I said giving her a hug. She barely hugged me back giving me a little smile saying hey back.

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now