Cater 2 U

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TW: description of a panic attack

Brandy's pov

"What she doing here?"

It took everything in me to not turn back around at the sight in front of me. There's no way this could be a trap. Right?

"Li told me you threatened her. Is that true?"Missy finally said.

I rolled my eyes before looking her dead in the eyes. Those days of her trying to intimidate me while I sat there in silence were over. "What you think?" I scoffed. Her eyes went back in between me and Aaliyah before she let out a deep breath and sat forward in her chair. "I don't have time for games. I've been way too forgiven too you after everything that's happened and even now while you're playing my other little sister." Missy replied.

"Listen Missy I came here to talk this out with you, but I'm not going to sit here and let you feed into her lies... I'm sick of this shit." I looked over at Aaliyah to see if she would say anything but she kept her head down. "And you don't have shit to say but you were all talk when Mo was here right?" I moved further into the room letting the door close. All this was stopping today and I would make sure of it.

"First of all this is between us-" I cut Missy off saying "No it's about us..." I pointed in between me and Aaliyah. "You inserted yourself when you had no business doing so! And you, Aaliyah, would sit here in my face and not defend me knowing all the shit I know about you." I was yelling now and it seemed everyone wanted to get quiet all of a sudden.

"So you know what. Li, tell Missy how you blackmailed her and Missy tell Li how when we first started dating you told me that she was too unstable to be in a relationship with anyone I should break up with her." Now I was going to tell everybody business. I was sick feeling like I was constantly being pushed in a corner by everyone. My mom, Missy, and Aaliyah. It ended today.

"Now, everybody wants to get quiet." I liked at them both as they both tried not to stare at each other. "That's beside the point and not to mention old. Yes I said that but who cares about-"

"You think I'm unstable Mel?" Aaliyah cut her off offended. "Li it's not-"

"You know what! Whatever!" She attempted to storm out the door but I blocked the way. I still had stuff to get off my chest. "Listen to me when I say this. The next time you disrespect my girlfriend or my relationship I won't hesitate to let her beat your ass." She scoffed trying to move past me again. "You got it?"

"...Yeah" it was delayed and mumbled but she can take me as a joke if she won't. Mo wouldn't hesitate to whoop her and I wasn't stopping her. "As for you.." I said turning to Missy. "Don't call or text my phone anymore or I'll just have to consider it harassment. And I don't think you can make music from jail now can you?"

Since everybody wanted to make me out to be the bad guy that was exactly what I would be.

I started to walk out the door when I heard her yell. "You're career would be over before you even dial 9-1-1" I just rolled my eyes and continued walking. That didn't scare me, if she wanted to end my career she would've done that a long time ago.


I drove straight back to Mo's apartment on autopilot. As I parked I finally let out the breath I was holding and felt my hands start to shake against the wheel. I'd been holding all of that in for several years and to finally release it I  thought I'd feel different, lighter, or better. Yet, I felt nothing but pain.

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now