Good Days🥀

540 26 19

Brandy's pov

"We need to talk"

I wasn't expecting to see Queen standing at my door step. Queen was an unexpected guest but definitely not an unwanted one. I nodded my head at her and unlocked my door. I let her in and placed my keys onto the hook I had by the door. "Your place is nice. I'm mad I never got an invite over here though." She playfully hit me on the head.

"I know it's been a lot going on..." I trailed off motioning for her to take a seat on the couch. "Did you want something to drink or something?" I got up and went to grab myself a water. I knew where this conversation was going and I didn't really feel like going there at the moment. I stayed in my own kitchen for a while as if I didn't know where I kept the water. I was trying to hide out so I didn't have to have that conversation.

"Nah, I'm good. I came to talk about what's been going on." Age yelled from the living room. I sighed and walked back to where she was.

I took a seat on the couch across from her. "What you mean?" I asked nervously. I didn't think she was mad at me, but I knew she would make her disappointment known.

She gave me a 'really' look and I sighed. "Okay you got me... I'm guessing you already know and that's why you're asking."

"Of course I do. Nothing gets past me, you know this. I'm just trying to figure out why you didn't tell me after all this time. That shit is unacceptable and if you know who finds out some people might not have careers anymore."

"I know... and I don't want that." I knew who she was talking about and that was the last thing I wanted. "Well I'll tell you this... you won't have to worry about them anymore. I took care of all of that and you should expect some apologies soon."

I rolled my eyes. The last thing I wanted or needed from either of them was an apology. They could keep that shit. "D, I don't even want one from them."

"Yeah but you still deserve it." She responded and continued our conversation for a while. It was nice to talk to her. I hated to admit but I was glad she handled the Missy and Aaliyah thing. My therapist was right I should let people help me. It felt good for everything to not only be on me for once.

"...I'm about to head to the A though." She smirked, raising her eyebrows. I guess she was thinking I was going to come with her to see a certain someone. "I wish but I have stuff for Moesha. I'm ready for this show to be over so I can move on and work on other things that are important to me." I spoke honestly.

"Mm so in basic terms you tryna wrap that show up so you can move to Atlanta and be with Mo." she smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Yes but also my music. That's always been my first passion and it's been pushed to the side for the show."

"Well you know I understand that first hand. You'll find a balance eventually... but have y'all discussed an end to the show?"

"Yeah we're talking about this being the final season, but we still have to film."

"It'll go by fast and then you can get back into your music... have been thinking about the vibe of the album."

"I want something that says I'm a grown ass woman who's been through stuff and is still thriving."

"Mm okay I see you grown ass woman" we both laughed. "But on a serious note I can see that and I know it's going to be fire!"

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now