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Wedding day..

Brandy's pov

"I don't care how sick she is she's getting down that aisle today.." I said over the phone to Toya.

I was currently getting my hair done and assumed my bride was doing the same. Only to get a call that she was currently throwing up and missed her hair appointment. My anxiety and stress was already through the roof I didn't need this.

"I'm trying, but she keeps throwing up.." Toya responded as I heard Monica reaching in the background.

"Put her on the phone."

"Hello.." She sounded horrible and I grimaced.

"Do you think you have alcohol poisoning?" I asked, I wanted to be sure she was some what fine before I cussed her out.

"No, my stomach is just upset and I keep throwing up.."

"Okay, so get some tums and sit in the chair to get your hair and makeup done.."

"Brandy, I can't-"

"Monica, our wedding is in 3 hours. Get your shit together because you should've never even drank that damn much to begin with.." I yelled through the phone.

"Can you please not yell?" She groaned.

"Monica, I can't believe you right now."

"You the one threw me a party.." she whined this time and I just stared in disappointment.

"Yeah, but I thought you would have enough sense to know your limit considering we're getting married."

"I'm sorry.."

"I don't want you to be sorry I want you up and getting ready.."

"Okay, ima get it together.."

"You better. I'll see you soon, baby. I love you."

"I love you too.." I hung and silently prayed that she got it together. Either way she wasn't going to hear the end of this.

"Okay, you're hair and makeup is done and your getting dressed at the venue so we can leave when you are ready.." Meagan said and I nodded.

"Okay, can you just go over the list again and make sure we have everything please." I responded as I got up out of the chair. I wasn't sure what it was, but I was beginning to feel stressed. Today was supposed to be happy but for some reason I was in a funk. Some how Monica's anxiety leading up to this day passed on to me.

"Brandy, are you okay?" I heard a distorted voice ask. I tried to take a deep breath, but as I went to take a step I felt the room spin and everything went black.

"BRANDY!" I heard someone yell as I finally woke back up. "Back up..." I told my hairstylist, makeup artist and Meagan as their faces came into focus.

"Well excuse us for being concerned." Meagan said, as everyone stood up. She helped me off the floor and handed me a bottle of water. I had to admit I was a bit snappier than usual. I couldn't quite understand why I was so on edge.

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now