Have You Ever🥀

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A/N: Y'all ever seen that video of Nene singing this song ^LMAOO

Brandy's pov

My game night was going successful, everyone was getting along. We were playing drunk truth or dare now and it was Lisa's turn to ask someone.

"Ro, truth or dare?"

"You would pick me, truth" Chilli rolled her eyes.

"Hm, Is it true that you've cheated on someone?" Tionne and I laughed recalling a certain conversation as Chilli blushed.

"You can drink if you don't want to say." I reminded her seeing how flustered she got.

"Nah, it's cool. That would tell y'all the truth anyway. Yeah I have." She mumbled. I seen Dallas give her a look and I immediately changed the conversation. I did not want my friendly game night turning into fatal attraction.

"Chilli you can ask me next"

"Okay, truth or dare?"


"I dare you too call your brother and tell him you're pregnant." she laughed and everyone joined in egging me on.

"You would say some crazy shit like that." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.

The phone rang for a while before he answered

"Wassup, sis" I took a deep breath and engaged in normal conversation before saying "But um.. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Talk to me about what?"

"Umm I'm pregnant" I fought the urge to laugh. It sounded so weird coming out of my mouth. "With what?" He said after I long pause.

"What you mean, with what? I'm having a baby and you're going to be an uncle."

"Nah. No way... I thought you were with Monica? Now ion know much about lesbian shit but ion think she can get you pregnant."

Everyone in the room was struggling not to laugh at this point but I had to keep going. Ray could be funny sometimes, especially in instances like this.

"I know man. I don't know how it happen... I think I'm like the Virgin Mary or something" I said.
"So you bought to have a baby Jesus? B, are you high?"

"No I'm not high! God is calling me to birth a savior!" At this point everyone was falling out with laughter.

"Yeah... you gotta be high. Look whatever you smoking don't smoke it no more cause you're tripping!"

"I'm not tripping Bro. I'm pregnant and God is the father."

"What?!?" He busted out laughing. I guess he was loss for words. I gave up seeing that I couldn't hold my laughter any longer.

"I'm just playing Ray! I couldn't keep going. It was a prank."

"You play too much! Don't call my phone no more!"


The night ended without incident and Tionne stayed behind to help me, Mo, and Toya clean up. It wasn't that much to clean just the food and some empty bottles.

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now