So Gone🥀

368 19 10

A/N: time skip🙃

Monica's pov

"Okay, great! Now look at me. Perfect, now look back at the bed.." The videographer yelled, as he continued to shoot the current scene.

Today I was filming the music video for So gone. I was excited but also sad because I was missing Toya. I wish she were here, but at least I had my fiancé.

In the last year it felt like my life had completely changed. I had to deal with practically losing my best friend, my music getting leaked, and wanting to give up on music all the while planning a wedding.

After I found out about Toya being abused by Ray I had every intention to kill him, but we soon found out that wasn't an option.

"Toya, are you okay?" I yelled as I ran into the bathroom to see Toya throw up into the toilet yet again.

"I-I'm fine. I'm sorry.."

"Don't be sorry. Are you sure you're okay? You've been sick for a week now. Maybe we should go to the doctors-" I suggested.

"N-no I'm fine it's just-" she cut herself off throwing up once again.

"Yeah, that's it. I'm calling Brandy and having her meet us at the emergency room.." She'd been throwing up like this all week and I had enough we were getting to the bottom of this.

"Mo, I'm fine! It's just throw up.."

"Just throw up? Toya, you can't keep anything down at all.."

"If I tell you something will you leave me alone about all of this?" She asked in a hushed tone even though we were the only ones here.

"Just tell me, Toya. I'm worried.."

"I-I'm pregnant"

After she told me she was pregnant I was fully in support of doing whatever she wanted. She decided to keep the baby and I was all for it. She decided to move in with Brandy and I and we would take turns making sure she made it to all her appointments.

Months went by and everything was going great, until it wasn't. Brandy and I had a meeting in LA about the possibility of doing a tour together, but when we came back we found a empty house.

Toya was gone, leaving nothing behind except for a note that said not to go looking for her because she was fine. Of course we didn't listen and ended up tracking her down. It turned out she'd gotten back together with Ray.

I guess she knew we wouldn't approve of that, but I still wished she knew I'd love her in spite of anything so I could be there for her. I really missed her and wished things went differently.

I knew from social media that she had the baby, but I just wished I could've been there to see it in person. It hurt to lose her, but I could only pray that her life wasn't as painful as I believe to be.

We finally took our last shot of me in the lingerie leaving me to film in one last outfit. I immediately wrapped myself in my robe and walked over to look at what we just shot.

I felt arms warp around my waist and tie my robe from the back.

"Thank you, I was cold."

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now