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Brandy's pov

"... she's expected to make a full recovery. She's conscious, but she is asleep right now. I don't want her room to get crowded so I'm asking to have no more than 1 person at a time.."

I stood outside not knowing what to expect when I walked in. I turned the knob slowly and watched as the door peeled open. She was in a bed and a nurse was standing beside her when I walked in.

"Oh, I can come back if-"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous sweetheart! Come on in... I'm just making sure she's tucked in properly." The nurse said as she went to writer something on her chart.

I went over to the side of the bed the nurse previously occupied and took a seat. "Okay, she's all set. Now, she should be waking any minute now, so when she does press that button and I'll be here to check on her.."

"Okay, Thank you Nurse-"

"Nurse Hanna.." I nodded and she left out the room. Once she left I took a hood look at her. She had white bandages wrapped around her hair. Her hair was very messy by the way, I knew she would ask for a comb as soon as she was up. Her face looked the same though, except for one tiny scratch under her eye.

I reached out my hand out to rub the spot under her eye. I could bet on the fact that Aaliyah looked worse. It didn't take away from the fact that Monica shouldn't have left with any injuries at all.

I gently moved my hand down to grab hers. I wanted her to wake up. I wasn't use to her being this quiet. "Okay, baby the joke is over... I know you wanna talk come on." I laughed playfully nudging as gentle as possible.

She didn't budge though. I started telling her about the what happened with Missy and I.

"Can you believe that she told me too calm down... oh, I cracked my phone, but I'll get it fixed..." I kept talking until I felt my hand being squeezed.

"Mmm B-Brandy please stop talking... my head" she groaned as she fought to open her eyes. "Oh my- you're awake. I missed you so much.." I threw my arms around her. "Ow!"

"Oop- I'm sorry I got excited.." I released her from my hold. I reached over and pressed the button for the nurse. The nurse came in shortly after and started to do a check on her.

"Okay, everything seems pretty normal for what happened to you, I'm giving you pain reliever for the headache and body aches. Now because of the circumstances that you were brought under the doctor recommended a rape kit, but it's completely up to you."

She shook her head before responding "That's not necessary... I remember everything and nothing like that happened." She said and her voiced was very strained. "Okay sweetie, get done rest and I'm your night nurse so if you need anything let me know. Also visiting hours are almost over." I nodded as she left out the room.

"I'm going to leave out and let Toya see you before visiting hours end. Do you want me to bring you something tomorrow?" She shook her head 'no'. It was worrying me that she wasn't doing much talking, but I figured she was tired.

"I know this is kind of a dumb question, but are you okay?"

"Mmhm just tired and in pain.."
She said before yawning. "Okay, well I'll see you later.. I love you"

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now