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Omniscient pov

"No further questions, Your honor. The Defense's witness..." Monica watched as the prosecutor took her seat.

The easy part was done and it was time for the part she dreaded everyday leading up to the trail. She tried to remain calm and remember what her lawyer told her.

"There is no way he would be able to convince one juror let alone 12 that Aaliyah is innocent."

She watched as the defense attorney rose from his seat. Her eyes wondered over just long enough to see Aaliyah. She looked better than you'd expect. Even being held during trail she looked well put together, but one could only imagine the mental torment she faced each day.

Monica's mouth ran dry as the first question was thrown at her.

"Ms.Arnold you are in a relationship with my client's ex... is that correct?"

"Yes... that's correct" Monica said while exhaling. 'Not too bad' she thought to herself, but the worse was yet to come.

The defense attorney asked a couple more questions. The answers were very simple and required 'yes or no' responses.

"Ms.Arnold, you've said that you're in love with your girlfriend. So would you say that you are protective of the people you love?"


"And you'd protect them by any means... Even if it meant violence..."

"Objection!" The prosecutor yelled.

"Mr.Downey you need to phrase that into a question or the defense will rest..." The judge stated, looking directly at the defense attorney.

"Very well... Ms.Arnold can you be a violent person when necessary?"

Monica looked up waiting for another objection.  However, when it didn't come she took a deep breath and said "I think everybody has an instinct to protect themselves if that's what you mean..."

"So when my client approached you is it true that you pushed her on the ground..."

"Objection! Hearsay!" The prosecutor yelled once again.

"Objection sustained... What are you getting at Mr.Downey?" The judge asked.

"We have witnesses who have seen Ms.Arnold push my client to the ground months before the incident..." Murmurs broke out among the court room. Monica tried her best to stay calm, but she failed as her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest.

The judge banged her gavel to induce silence and then said "Defense and prosecution approach the bench..."

They spoke in hushed whispers before returning and the judge spoke. "Disregard the last question as it has been thrown out of court. Defense it is still your witness..."

"With everything that you have heard today... I want to let it be known that my client has done nothing but react to the reckless and jealous behavior exhibited by Ms.Arnold." The defense attorney rambled.

He knew himself that this case was already lost, but the amount of money his client was offering was worth the show he was about to put on.

THIN LINE🥀 (Brandy x Monica)Where stories live. Discover now