~Chapter 1: I'm Different

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~Chapter 1: I'm Different

            “So, are you coming to graduation?” I asked. I bit my lip.

            “No, Cordelia! We’ve been through this a billion times! I’m too busy! Just get this day over with and get out of this house already!” my drunk stepfather, Dylan, replied. He was drunk so often, I couldn’t even tell when he was sober or not. I never knew my real father. Dylan picked up the beer he was drinking and made me go away.

            I walked into the bathroom and stared myself straight in the eyes. I felt like my eyes were the only things that made me interesting to look at. They were sky blue and very shiny. I brushed my straight, long, blonde hair (which use to be dark brown, but I dyed it) and left for the last day of high school, unaware my life was about to change.


            I smoothed out my graduation dress. It was my mother’s. The dress was up to my knees and sparkly with a velvet top. Even though everyone was dressed up for today, people still whispered about me as I walked through the hall. I sighed, use to it. I was an outcast and considered different, because I moved from Ireland to America. “Go back to having tea with the queen of England!” People usually imitated a British accent. I wasn’t even British, though. I was Irish, but there was no difference to them. I was still different. So, I ignored them all. Everyone picked on me because I was small and short. No matter how hard I tried, there would always be someone who didn’t like me. No one would understand that.

            “Did you hear about that band called One Direction?” I heard girls whispering in the hall.

          “Yeah! The guys are, like, sooooo cute. I’m gonna meet them today! And, duuuude, Harry’s, like, the cutest!” I heard one “popular” girl, Adriana, squeal. “He’s, like, perfect!”

            “No wayyyy. My Niall is wayyyy cuter,” another girl in her group, Ari, argued.

            “Not even!”

            “Yes even!”



            The girls continued arguing as I walked past them. “Cordelia!”

            I turned around. “Can I help you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at them. I bet they were up to no good, as usual. I flipped my side bangs out of my eyes.

            “Who’s cuter, Niall or Harry?” Adriana asked.

            I sighed and looked at them. Here we go again. “I don’t like One Direction,” I mumbled.

            “But they are of your kind!” I heard Ari say, laughing. “Niall’s mine, though.”

            I scowled at them as Adriana replied, “Maybe it’s because you’ve never tried listening to their songs?”

            I shrugged. “They look lame,” I replied, just to piss them off. I continued walking slowly.

            “Lame?! One Direction is NOT lame, okay?! They happen to be very hot boys who can stop depression, you bitch!” I heard Adriana reply.

            I stopped. Not because she called me a bitch, but because she had said they can stop depression. I slowly touched the cuts and slashes on my wrist, but then covered them up again. I trembled a bit but then kept walking. “I don’t care,” I called behind me. I shut everyone out. Maybe because everyone did the same to me. There was no one. No one in the world who could put up with me. And I was done. Done searching, because I felt like it was impossible for me to open up to anyone anymore. After what happened when I was 6…

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