~Chapter 11: I Don't Like You

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~Chapter 11: I Don’t Like You

            I relaxed and my arms went limp to my side. I felt Niall run his fingers through my hair. Strangely, I didn’t mind. I closed my eyes slowly. This is the second time, Niall, I thought. He wrapped his arms around me, surrounding me with his body warmth. I felt so nervous and unsure, but safe at the same time. I’d never been held like that before. I pulled away. “Niall… Can I ask you something?” I said quietly into the darkness.      


            I shook Niall’s arms off of me. “How much do you like me? Tell the truth.”

            There was a period of silence. “I don’t like you.”

            I was taken aback, shocked. I didn’t know why, but the butterflies in my stomach disappeared. I felt my stomach turn into a knot and my throat burned. “Then why are you here…?” I asked. “Leave. Now.”

            “Woah, there, Cordelia. You didn’t let me finish,” Niall replied from the darkness.

            I felt tears sting my eyes. I didn’t want to talk to him, so I walked out onto the balcony again. “You don’t need to finish. I don’t want to deal with you anymore. Just go.”

          I heard Niall’s soft footsteps as he walked out and joined me on the balcony. “Deal? Is that the term you use for me? Am I really that difficult to be with? What’s wrong with me? I can be everything you want me to be. Why can’t you just accept me?” I heard Niall ask softly.

            I looked out into the distance, not saying anything. He used my words on purpose, I thought. “Go to bed, Niall. I’ll see you in the morning.” I went back into my room, looking at him, waiting for him to leave.

            He watched me for a second with a straight face. Niall walked back into the room slowly. “I’ll get to you, Cordelia. If it takes the rest of my life, I will.” After saying that, he left the room.

            I watched, confused once again. I don’t understand him, I thought, shaking my head. Get to me? I went to bed.


            I got up the next morning, tired and stressed out. My cuts had closed quicker than usual. I sighed and got my stuff ready. I didn’t want to walk into Adriana’s room, because I felt more awkward than usual. But I didn’t have a choice. I walked to her room and knocked on the door. She opened up. “Good morning, Cordelia. You have a lot to tell me, don’t you?” she asked.

            “Good morning to you too,” I mumbled, pushing past her.

            “Did you guys really kiss? Did he really say all those words to you? Where did you guys do it? How did you do it? Was it romantic? Was it dreamy? Did you like it?” Adriana threw questions at me.

            I ignored them all, reluctant to answer. “Where do I put your clothes?” I asked.

            “Did you? Did you? Did you?” she kept demanding. “The boys told me some stuff, but Niall didn’t respond to anything so I assumed it was right, except I decided to ask you to make sure. Sooooooo, what’s it gonna be?!”

            I sighed, frustrated. “YES, OKAY?! WE KISSED. Now stop asking!” I threw my hands down. “It’s not even that big a deal!”

            “Not big a deal?! Oh my god. Ohhh my god. You don’t get it. You don’t understand. Oh my god. Oh. My. God. You kissed. Niall. James. Horan.” Adriana put her hands to her face. “You lucky bitch. Oh. My. God.” I watched Adriana pace around her room. “Oh my god. Do you know how many girls would KILL to be in your place? How much they’d give up? AND HERE YOU ARE, SAYING IT’S NOT EVEN THAT BIG A DEAL.”

            I rolled my eyes. “It wasn’t as ‘dreamy’ as most of you imagine it. Besides, I was quite annoyed. It’s not like he’s someone special.” I set her clothes down on her dresser.

          “I’m going to make them stay longer. I need to see something like this. How did he kiss you? Did you guys make out? How long? IS HE A GOOD KISSER? TELL MEEEEEEEEEE.”

            I didn’t want to answer any of her questions. It was none of her business. “He. Kissed. Me. Period. Nothing else. That’s it. We didn’t ‘make out’ or whatever that is. I don’t even like him.” I frowned and left the room, leaving Adriana with an astonished look.

            Pffrt, I thought, walking back to my room. Niall James Horan. Big deal. It’s not like he’s real special or something.

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