~Chapter 13: How Dare You Hurt Her

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~Chapter 13: How Dare You Hurt Her

            I drove back home and walked inside the house. Dylan was in the living room, watching TV as usual. “Why are you back? I thought you left, hoe,” I heard Dylan call.

            I ignored him and walked to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. Another cut. Just another one, I thought, taking out my knife. I raised it to my wrist, but I noticed the bandages Niall had put on. I felt my eyes tear up as I dropped the knife. I touched the bandages softly and winced. I remembered how he’d kissed them and how he’d begged me to stop. I raised the knife up again, but I couldn’t do it. For the first time in my life, I couldn’t make a cut. I felt like there was an invisible force, pulling me back. It all seemed so easy. It was just one cut. Why couldn’t I do it? I put the knife away, hearing knocking on my window. I looked up to see Niall. Again. I glared at him through the glass, but my eyes were stained red.

            He looked at me, his eyes softening. Niall looked down and then back up at me. He mouthed the words that said “good girl.” Then, he smiled and turned, walking away.

            Involuntarily, I stood up and ran to the window, throwing it open. “Niall!” I called. “Wait.” Niall turned around and looked back at me over his shoulder. He was waiting for me to talk. I looked away and replied uncertainly, “Want… want to come in?”

            He walked over to the window and smiled a half-smile. There were butterflies in my stomach again. “Shall I climb in from the window?” he asked, laughing.

            I looked at him and… smiled. I hadn’t smiled to anyone since… since as far as I could remember. I helped him in. “Why did you come back? After all I said to you?” I asked quietly, sitting on my bed.

            Then, he said something that made my heart leap. “Because I care about you.”

            I looked up at him. Niall smiled down at me. I quickly looked away. I felt… what was the word? I had heard it before. Shy? I felt really shy. I had never felt that way around anyone else in my life. “You… care about me?”

            I felt Niall wrap his arms around me, pulling me to him. I felt my stomach jumping, even worse than the butterflies. He felt so warm and secure. I wanted to stay like that forever, but I heard Dylan grumbling past my room. “Cordelia!” I heard him call.

            I gasped, sitting up. I pushed Niall behind my bed. “Hide!” I said.

            My door swung open, it hitting the wall. “Where’s the beer?” he asked.

            I looked at him, confused. “Beer? You drank all of it, remember?” I asked, stammering.

            “Then why didn’t you get anymore? Oh, and wash the clothes and the dishes. I’m running out of stuff to wear. And do my bed.”

            I took a deep breath. “Why don’t you do it yourself?” I asked.

            Dylan looked at me. “Excuse me? Young lady? Did I just hear what I thought I heard from you?” He walked into my room, wobbling from side to side. “Do you wanna say that to me again?”

            Oh no, I thought. He’s super drunk. This is bad. I backed away, up to the wall. “D-do it yourself!” I stammered. I saw Niall over Dylan’s shoulder. He was watching us and he did NOT look pleased. While I was looking at Niall, I didn’t see Dylan’s fist come flying at my face. It hit me on my lip, busting it open. I immediately fell to the ground. I didn’t get up, but I looked up at Dylan. “Do it yourself, you fucking cunt!” I hissed.

            Dylan kneeled down. “Getting angry, now, are you?” He laughed, really drunk. “Bad choice.” He raised up his hand, getting ready to slap me.

            I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting. But it never came. I opened my eyes and I saw Niall holding his arm back. I gasped, shocked. “How dare you hurt her. How dare you hit a girl,” Niall growled. He was so angry, I could almost see fire in his eyes. “How DARE you hurt Cordelia. You’re going to pay. You’re going to get what you deserve. Karma, bastard. You’re gonna get it.”

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