~Chapter 15: I Really Like You

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~Chapter 15: I Really Like You

            “Can you just tell me now?” I asked.

            “No, it’s not the best place.”

            I sighed. “Alright, fine.” I looked across the lawn at Adriana’s car. “Do you wanna go and park that car back at Adriana’s, then go together in my car?” Niall nodded.


            After that, we drove to the park. The whole car ride was silent. None of us knew what to say. “Here we are,” Niall replied, parking the car.

            I was going to open the car door, but Niall stopped me. He got out of the car and opened it for me, helping me out. “Uhm, thanks.”

            Niall didn’t respond and we walked into the park. It was a big park, almost like a forest. I walked alongside him, not sure what to say. “Cordelia, do you like anything about me?” Niall asked after a little bit of walking.

            “I like… your… eyes?” I answered, a bit unsure. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

            “I mean… is there something about you that makes you like me? Or is there nothing?”

            I didn’t reply. Like him? I thought. I’ve never thought about that. I don’t even think I ‘like’ him. I’ve never liked anybody before. “I don’t know,” I said hesitantly. “I’ve never really liked anybody before,” I confessed. It was silent after that. “I don’t understand what it feels like.”

            Niall pursed his lips, thinking of a way to explain. “To like someone is kind of like… when you see them, your heart race. Or… you feel shy or nervous around them. Their smile makes you happy and stuff. Kind of like that. Some people say it feels like butterflies in your stomach.”

            My heart jumped a little. I feel that way all the time around you, I thought. But I didn’t say anything. “Oh.”

            After a little while, I asked, “You wanted to tell me something?”

            “Yeah. Well, more like… show you something.” Niall scratched his head, blushing.

            “Oh,” I said. “Oh.” We had walked into a little clearing between some trees. “Okay, we’re alone now. What is it?” I asked, a little anxious and my heart racing.

            “You gotta be quiet.” Niall put his finger to my lips. I blinked, surprised.

            I stood there as I watched Niall walk up to a tree. As I looked at the tree more, I realised it was orange. “Huh?” I mumbled. He touched the tree and walked to the next one and did the same thing. And the next and the next and the next. Soon, the trees started moving and there were a lot of butterflies. I gasped, laughing. Niall ran back up to me and led me out of the clearing to get a better view. “This is… amazing,” I breathed.

            Niall put his hands around me. “That’s how you make my stomach feel,” he whispered in my ear.

            I looked at him, then back at the fluttering butterflies. Butterflies in my stomach… I feel the same way, I thought. But what does it mean? “Y-you make my stomach feel this way too,” I confessed, unsure whether to feel shy or not.

            Niall broke out into a smile. “Really?”

            I nodded. “Especially when you smile,” I added. I don’t know why I continued.

            “What else do you feel about me?” he asked, making me look at him.

            I looked at him, suddenly reluctant to tell him how I felt. “You’re… protective,” I answered, choosing the word carefully.

            “Anything else? Anything else that’s special? That you don’t feel around anybody else?”

            I shook my head and Niall let his hands drop from my shoulders. He sighed and mumbled something. I didn’t hear him. “What was that?” I asked.

            “Nothing.” Niall shook his head, his face falling.

            “What is it?” I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. I don’t know why I reached out to him. I hated physical interactions with people.

            Niall took my hand and pulled me to him. He leaned over to my ear and whispered, “I know it’s pretty clear, but… I really like you.”

♥ I Never Thought I'd Love You ♥Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora