~Chapter 59: Because of Me

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~Chapter 59: Because of Me

            Everyone rushed to the staircase, but Niall and I were the fastest. “What happened?!” I asked worriedly, near tears. “Oh, Niall, I didn’t mean to--! I only put my--! I’m so--!” I gasped.

            “Not right now, Cordelia!” Niall exclaimed. He took out his phone and called the ambulance with people’s anguished cries in the back.

            A moment later, an ambulance had came and taken Maura to the hospital. Niall had driven off in his own car while I took Janelle in mine. A lot of people also went to the hospital too, but there was too many of us, so they wouldn’t let half the people in. The boys were all there. I ran over to Harry and threw my arms around him, crying. “I didn’t mean to! It was an accident!” I gasped.

            “Shhh, calm down, Cordelia, take a deep breath,” Harry told me. He was like a brother to me, even though he was younger; his voice was just so soothing. I sobbed into his shoulder, tightening my arms around him. Niall was pacing in front of Maura’s door, waiting for the doctor to come out.

            What a disaster, I thought. First we get into a fight, and now this. I took a deep breath, wiping my tears away. I had removed my makeup in the bathroom earlier after I had finished weeping into Harry’s shoulder. It was eleven thirty at night, and everyone was waiting anxiously. The doctor finally came out and all of us stood up to hear what he was going to tell us. “Is she your mother?” he asked Niall, who nodded. “She has a serious concussion and will probably stay unconscious for a few days. But it’s alright, since there is no permanent damage.”

            “Thank you,” Niall responded and the doctor left. Everyone was silent for a moment. We all walked inside and gathered around Maura, who looked like she was sleeping peacefully. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered, kneeling down next to the bedside. I sighed and buried my face in my hands. “I make a mess of everything.”

            “Cordelia, go home.” I looked up at Niall, studying him. My heart jumped a little. His hand was bandaged heavily, along with knuckles of his other hand. He was watching Maura.

            I stood up. “No. I’m staying.”

            He turned to me, his eyes red with frustration and tears. “Cordelia, go home! I’m not asking you to, just do it!” Niall yelled, raising his voice.

            Tears sprang to my eyes and streamed down my face as I clenched my fists. “Don’t tell me what to do, Niall James Horan.”

            All at once, Niall broke down. Right then, right there. He cried in front of everyone. Liam wrapped Niall in his arms and whispered soothing words.

            Harry and Janelle tried to hug me, but I pushed them away and made my way to the door. I opened it, stormed outside, and slammed the door behind me. I made my way over to the elevator, crying and ignoring the boys’ cries for me to come back. Is this really it? I asked myself, standing in the elevator alone.

            I reached the main floor and ran outside quickly, trying to avoid the family members who stayed. Since I didn’t have the keys to Janelle’s flat, I had no choice but to go back to mine. Or in that case, Niall’s.


            I made my way up to the steps, afraid to go back inside. With a heavy heart, I unlocked the door and walked in. Everything was a mess. The mirrors were cracked, the tables were over-turned. Niall obviously had a serious temper-tantrum. There was also blood in some areas. I sank to the floor, remembering Niall’s bandaged hands. I didn’t know how long I knelt there.  “I did this to you,” I cried. “Oh, Niall. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. And now you’re hurting yourself because of me.”

            I was even more frightened to go upstairs. With great effort, I made my way up the stairs. I opened the door and turned on the lights in our room. To my surprise, nothing was broken or disturbed. My clothes were in the same place I left them, scattered around the floor. My pictures, my keys, all my accessories. Even the bed sheets weren’t disturbed. The teddy bear Niall had bought me stayed in the same place and position I always put it. “You didn’t even come in here once after I left, did you, babe?” I whispered to myself.

            I neatened up our room and got into our bed. I missed the warmth the covers gave when I climbed in. I missed the sweet good-night’s that would be said if Niall were there. I missed his kisses in bed before I fell asleep. I missed everything. I stared up at the ceiling, wondering why we even got in a fight. “Because of me,” I suddenly said out loud. “Because of me.”

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