~Chapter 12: Just Go Away

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~Chapter 12: Just Go Away

            I sighed, making my way downstairs. There were a lot of guests from the previous night over, so I decided to skip breakfast. I wanted to return home, but at the same time, I didn’t want to. I walked outside to the fountain where Niall had wrapped my arms in bandages. I sat down on it, replaying what happened yesterday. I buried my face in my hands. My life is a wreck, I thought. I never know what to do anymore. I’m never going to get anywhere in life. I decided to go home.


            “Bye, Adriana,” I said to her. “I’m going home.” Then, I remembered that I never drove my car back to Adriana’s house. We had ridden in her car. “My car!” I gasped, putting my hands up to my face. “It’s still at school!”

            Adriana blinked. “Oh, shit. Take my car!”

            I ran downstairs, but she stopped. “I can’t go, though. I need to stay home and take care of the guests since my parents are going out.”

            Shit, I thought. “Fine, then. I’ll go alone.”

            “No! Take Niall with you, then!” she said.

            “NO! NOT IN MY LIFE! I’D RATHER BE JUMPED THAN GO WITH HIM!” I shouted, overreacting.

            Adriana shook her head. “I know that deep down, you like him. Just take him with you, it can’t be that bad.”

            I sighed, exasperated. “Where is he?!” I hissed. “I NEED TO HURRY! Tell him to meet me outside!” She tossed me her car keys and ran back upstairs.

            I went to Adriana’s car and waited. Soon, he walked out. I eyed him carefully with a poker face. “Good morning,” I mumbled.

            “So, we meet again.” Niall watched me as he got into the driver’s seat.

            “No, I’m driving,” I insisted.

            “Shush, Cordelia, I’m the man. I’ll drive you,” Niall said, smirking and starting the car.

            I scowled at him and got in the passenger seat. “I’m not giving you directions,” I replied disapprovingly.

            “Don’t need to. I know where to go.” Niall drove out into the street and got back to my high school.

            He parked next to the school and I got out of the car. I walked through the gates, memories flooding back into me. “My car!” I said, running to it.

            Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice scream out. “There she is!” I looked across the parking lot and saw Ari with her group of friends, except without Adriana. They started running toward me and I struggled to open my car door. I cursed under my breath. The girls made their way over. “Are you with Niall?! It’s all over the internet, Cordelia! Have you seen the news?” I heard the girls fire questions at me. “Are you really with Niall?!” They looked at me. I shook my head, glaring at them. I had very little patience.

            “I’m not,” I growled. “Just go away.”

            “No! I won’t! How DARE you go out with my Niall! I can’t believe it! Why would he date YOU?! You’re so unpopular and… and… What do you have that I don’t?! Are you serious?! Wow, I can’t believe this!” Ari spilled out at me.

            I glared at her, my anger growing inside. “JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE RICH, DOESN’T MAKE YOU ALL THAT!” I screamed.

            “YOU BITCH! LISTEN TO ME!” Ari yelled back.

            “UGH, I HATE YOU!” I ran forward with my fist out to punch her but I heard a voice.

            “Cordelia! What’s going on?! Why are you fighting with these girls?!”

            I turned around. “OH MY GOD! Of course it’s you! Really?! Can’t you see I don’t need your help?! Just go away, Niall! I don’t want you here! I can deal with this myself!” I shouted at him. I lost my temper again. He looked at me, hurt. I turned back to Ari and her group. “AND DON’T GO AROUND JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS, BITCH!” I shouted. I turned around and stormed off, leaving everyone behind. I got into my car and drove off. I’m so pissed. That is IT. I am so done with him, I thought. SO DONE. SO DONE, SO DONE, SO DONE. I’M. DONE.

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