~Chapter 3: Some People Have It All

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~Chapter 3: Some People Have It All

            We stayed silent the whole car ride. I gasped as we arrived in Beverly Hills. “Y-you live in Beverly Hills?!” I looked at Adriana. I knew she was rich, but Beverly Hills?! “Why didn’t you go to Beverly Hills High School?” I asked.

            “Girls there are so snooty… They think because they have all the money that they’re all that… I was bullied here since I wasn’t as rich as the other kids,” I heard Adriana reply.

            I stared in shock with my mouth open as we drove up to a beautiful mansion with many cars around. It was dusk and the flowers and fountain looked wonderful. I had never seen something so grand in my life. Maybe because I had seen too many dark things. “If you’re not as rich as the other girls, then they all probably live in paradise…,” I muttered. “Some people have it all.”

            Adriana shook her head. “I’d rather live in a small house than here.” She stopped the car.

            “How come?” I asked quietly.

            She looked at me. “Because my whole family is spaced out. Everyone gets their own room. Nobody cares about anyone. We never interact. They have a billion guests over every night. They’re mostly celebrities, and they are really proud of that. I see my parents probably three times a day at the most. It’s lonely, Cordelia. Don’t you know what it feels to be lonely?” Adriana’s eyes turned watery, so I didn’t say anything. I knew “lonely” better than anyone else I’ve ever met.

            We walked up the stairs to her front door. I watched in awe as she pushed the door open. There were so many people that I recognized. Adriana was right. There were so many celebrities. “Follow me,” Adriana said over the music. She took my hand and led me up to her room, closing her door. “You see? Every night, I have to deal with that.” But then she smiled. “Although tonight, I have my idols over.”

            I looked at her. “You and your One Direction.”

            “Yup! They’re staying overnight too. Do you wanna stay over also?” Adriana asked.

            “Sure,” I responded. I felt uncomfortable, but I’d rather be there than with my drunk, abusive stepfather.

            “Great! I’ll go get them,” Adriana said. “You can go into the bathroom over there and fix yourself up before they come in. Use anything you want.” She pointed to her private bathroom.

            I nodded and she left the room. I walked around, admiring her beautifully decorated walls. They were a bit too… preppy and bright for me. I walked into her bathroom, only to meet more light and shiny things. I fixed my makeup and my hair with Adriana’s stuff.

            “Hey, Cordelia! We’re here!” I heard Adriana squeal.

            I tidied myself one last time, smoothed out my dress, and walked out. I saw five boys, all around our age, maybe a bit older. I had just turned 19 last year in December. “Hello,” I said awkwardly. “I’m Cordelia.”

            “Cordelia, this is One Direction,” Adriana introduced me. “Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn,” she replied, pointing to each of them.

            “Yeah… I’m not gonna remember that,” I said, looking at them. Except Niall. He was the only blonde one. So that’s the boy all the girls keep talking about, I thought. He’s not that cute, really. “Are you guys British?” I asked, curious.

          Four of them nodded. “Except Niall over there,” the other four boys replied with a heavy accent. “He’s Irish.”

            I watched Niall intently, who, in return, did the same to me. “I’m Irish too.”

            Niall eyed me weirdly. “I know.”

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