~Chapter 35: He's Taken (MUST READ)

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~Chapter 35: He’s Taken

            I cried and cried and cried until there were no more tears left in my eyes to force out. My life had taken a big turn within just a few days. Everything around me had changed. I went from Cordelia Delphina Sanders with no friends, no happiness, no love, nobody all the way to Cordelia Delphina Sanders with friends, happiness, love, and somebody. I didn’t know how to continue on anymore, but I knew that I had to make a choice. It was either me or Niall. I heard his bedroom door open and watched Niall walk in and close the door behind him. His eyes traveled to me.

            “Cordelia?” He walked over to me and kneeled down next to me. “What’s the matter, babe?”

            I shrugged, silent. “Nothing.”

            “You’re a bad liar, Cordelia.” Niall pulled me onto his lap.

            I didn’t look at him. “It’s just the haters, Niall. That’s all.” I leaned my head on his chest and covered my face, tears starting again. “Why do you even like me, Niall? I’m ugly, I’m difficult to deal with, I don’t deserve you, I burden you… Why did you even bother to take the time to get to know me?”

            Niall linked his fingers in mine. “Because none of that is true. You’re not ugly, you’re beautiful. You’re not difficult to deal with, you’re just hurt. You do deserve me, they’re all just jealous. You don’t burden me, you give me somebody to love and protect. I know you're tired. I know you're upset. I know you're hurt. But you can't listen to those people who tell you that, Cordelia.”

            “It's difficult not to, Niall," I said quietly. “Every insult is like a cut on my heart.” I reached up and pressed my hand over my heart. “I've heard so much hate, I know it's true.”

            “It's not true, Cordelia. It's not true. You can't tell yourself that. Just because people say it, doesn't mean it's true. Words mean nothing. Just because there are bad people in the world, doesn't mean there aren't any good people. What they say to you, and what they do to you… I know it hurts. But if you weigh that all on yourself, you're only punishing yourself for what they did. They don't deserve your pain. They don't deserve you, and you need to know that. No matter what people say, you'll always be beautiful. Promise me you’ll always remember that. Promise me, Cordelia.”

            Then, I did the bravest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I wiped my tears away and looked up at him and replied with confidence, “I promise, Niall.”

.:Day Two:.

            I woke up to shrill screaming. “Huh?” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. The screaming was coming from Adriana’s room. I looked at Niall, who was strangely still asleep. I got out of bed and crept over to Adriana’s door, listening.

            “Adriana! I can’t believe One Direction is here!” That voice. I knew that voice anywhere. It was Ari.

            Crap, I thought. She’s here. I kept listening. “Yeah, I know right?! And you won’t believe what happened!”

            “Is Cordelia really going out with Niall, though?!” I heard Ari ask.

            Not yet, bitch, but he’s mine, I hissed silently. I was surprised I thought that way. “I don’t think so! But it sure looks like it, doesn’t it?” Adriana responded.

            I growled, feeling annoyed for some reason. I stormed back to me and Niall’s room and took a deep breath. I looked at Niall, who was sleeping soundly. I smiled, but then frowned to myself. “You better keep your hands off of Niall, Ari,” I mumbled quietly. “Because he’s taken.”

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