~Chapter 55: Don't You Remember?

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~Chapter 55: Don’t You Remember?

            Not sure whether we had officially broken up or not, I took my car keys and got into my car. I called Janelle, told her I was going over, and drove to her house.

            She opened the door before I got out of my car, and I ran inside, crying. “Cordelia! What happened?! Tell me!” Janelle led me upstairs to her room and I dumped all my stuff down and told her the WHOLE story.

            I cried and I cried. I sobbed, wept, and let out all my tears. I didn’t even care anymore. “Oh, Janelle, I just didn’t even know how to explain it to him anymore! I don’t know what to think! I don’t even know if I still have him anymore! I-I lost him… I lost…”

            Janelle held my hand and patted me on the back. “Go ahead and cry it all out, Cordelia.”

            Truth was, I regretted ever shouting back at Niall. I didn’t mean all those words that I had said. I was just angry and said whatever came to mind. “I didn’t mean it, Janelle! I didn’t mean anything! I was just mad, but does Niall know that?! What if he leaves me for good? I can’t bear that, Janelle! I just can’t!” I sobbed, blowing my nose. I was a mess. Thank GOD Janelle and I were close.

            “Cordelia,” Janelle started, “you and Niall have been together for a year. I’m sure he’d know that you really don’t mean it all. It wouldn’t be reasonable like this, babygirl. You’ll work it out. He obviously didn’t stop loving you right then. You guys were just steamed up. Niall hasn’t left you.”

            I wiped away my tears and nodded, taking a deep breath. “You’re right. We won’t let a fight tear us apart, will we?”

            Janelle shook her head, smiling. “I think he’d rather lose to you in an argument than lose you to an argument.”

            I smiled back, squeezing her hand. “You’re my best friend, Janelle.”

            “You’re my best friend too, Cordelia.”

            There was a moment of silence where we just contemplated our current situation. “So… what now?” I asked.

            “I think you should get some rest,” Janelle answered.

            “Should I text Niall?”

            “That depends on how you think he’ll react.”

            I thought for a moment. When Niall was mad, he usually didn’t like to talk. He just waited until his steam blew off, and then he was okay. But during that period of time, Niall didn’t like being bothered. I shook my head. “No. He needs space right now.”

            “Alright, then. Time to get some shuteye. Goodnight, Cordelia.”



            I blinked myself awake the next morning and check my phone for texts. Mainly from Niall. As expected, he hadn’t texted me. He was obviously still upset, as was I. I heard shuffling from next to me as I looked over to Janelle, who slept on the floor next to me last night. “Good morning?” I said unsurely.

            “Good morning,” Janelle mumbled, yawning.

            I nodded. “I’m hungry.”

            Janelle laughed. “As expected from the girlfriend of Niall’s.” She stopped herself, remembering our fight. “Sorry. I forgot.”

            I shrugged. “It’s fine.”

            “No, really. I’m sorry.” She bowed her head. “It’s just… you two always look so happy together. You care for him so much. That time he nearly fainted in public? And you saved him? I could never imagine you two getting into a fight.”

            I wanted to tell Janelle to stop, but at the same time, I liked to hear people talking about Niall and me, even though we had an argument. “Well, people don’t usually see the little dilemmas behind our public image.”

            “That’s true.”

            We were silent for a moment. My phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence. I picked up my iPhone 5, which had a giant crack across the screen. It must’ve shattered in my process to leave the house yesterday. A picture of Niall and me was behind it. What a coincidence, I thought. A crack through our picture. And straight down the middle too. I answered the call. “Hello?”

            “Oh, Cordelia! I called the home phone, but no one picked up! Are you out? I bet Niall’s still sleeping, isn’t he? He was never the boy to wake up before nine in the morning,” I heard Maura’s voice say.

            “Oh, uh, hi!” I struggled to greet her. “Yeah, he never really was.” I shot a worried look at Janelle.

            “Well, I hope you didn’t forget, Cordelia!” Maura said excitedly. My silence over the phone told her I did forget whatever I forgot. “Your ‘Together With Niall’ party the whole family and friends threw for you and our boy, darling! Don’t you remember?”

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