~Chapter 23: You've Changed

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~Chapter 23: You’ve Changed

            We stood in that position for a second, but then Niall let go and led me into his room. “We should get some sleep.” He got into his bed, but then looked at me.

            I stared at him awkwardly. “Oh, okay. Goodnight, Niall.” I smiled and turned towards the door.

            “Wait, where are you going?” I heard him ask.

            “Back to my room? Where else?” I turned around to look at him.

            “You can sleep here with me tonight, if you want.” He scooted over on his bed and looked at me with his beautiful eyes.

            I laughed. “You mean, if YOU want.” I walked back to Niall’s bed and got in it. It was so warm and cozy, the complete opposite of my bed. I closed my eyes and felt Niall wrap his arms around me and pull me to him. I could feel myself blushing, but I didn’t mind. I felt an aching pain on my face and realized that I couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot. “Goodnight, Niall,” I whispered quietly.

            “Goodnight, Cordelia.” I felt Niall kiss my forehead as I fell asleep on his chest.


            I blinked and opened my eyes to the light summer breeze from the open balcony door. I looked up and saw Niall’s sleeping face. I sat up and smiled to myself, smoothing out his eyebrow like I did in the forest. He stirred a bit and ran his fingers through his hair involuntarily. I watched as he put his head in my lap and smile. Not sure whether you’re dreaming or not, Niall, I thought. But you sure are adorable. “Hey, Niall. What would you do if I left you?” I whispered, not expecting to get an answer.

            “I’d find you again and hold you tight and never let you go…,” I heard Niall mumble. He stirred and hugged my arm to him, cuddling it.

            “What if someone tried to hurt me?” I asked.

            “I’ll never let someone hurt you ever again, Cordelia,” Niall responded, this time sounding more awake. I looked at him. His eyes were open and looking up at me. “As long as I’m alive and breathing, no one’s going to hurt you ever again. I’ll protect you.”

            “You can’t protect me from everything…,” I said softly.

            “Just give me one chance and I’ll prove you’re wrong.” I watched him carefully and he sat up. I laughed at the sight of his hair, messing it up even more. “Cordelia, okay. That’s enough.” Niall laughed and took my hand from his head. He leaned forward and kissed my nose. “Good morning, beautiful.” I blushed and pressed my forehead to his. “You’ve changed.”

            “What do you mean?” I asked him.

            Niall smiled and took my arm. He pointed to my cuts and said, “You’ve stopped.” He smiled and added, “That’s the first step.”

            We were caught in each other’s gazes when we heard a knock on the door. “NIALL!” I heard Adriana’s voice from outside. “CORDELIA’S GONE FROM HER ROOM!”

            “Calm yourself, Adri, she’s in here!” Niall responded.

            “WHAT?! SINCE WHEN?!” Adriana replied.

            “Since none of your business,” Niall and I both called back.

            “Since when were you both so chummy…?” I heard Adriana mumble then walk away.

            I looked at Niall. “Hey, do you want to go outside today?” he asked.

            I smiled. “Sure.” I flipped my hair back and walked to Niall’s bathroom, fixing myself. I was in my pajamas, with no makeup on, and my hair not brushed. For some reason, I didn’t feel insecure at all. Niall walked behind me. “Go get ready. I’ll take you after breakfast.”


            We walked out into the early noon summer air. I took a deep breath. “Where are we going, Niall?” I asked.

            “Secret.” Niall smirked, then helped me into the car. He got inside also. “A place where we can be alone.”

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