~Chapter 38: You Mean So Much to Me

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~Chapter 38: You Mean So Much to Me

.:Day Four:.

            “I can’t believe we’re leaving tomorrow,” Liam said at breakfast the next day.

            “What do you want to do today, lads?” Louis asked.

            I stayed silent as everyone discussed everything. I watched Ari intently, seeing if she’d interfere with Niall and me. She started to, but I gave her a death glare and she backed away, growling. Niall and I held hands under the table secretly. “I need to tell you lads something,” Niall started. He tightened his grip on my hand.

            “What is it, Niall?” Zayn asked. The boys all smiled at him.

            “I…” Niall looked at me as I nodded for him to go on. “I want to bring Cordelia on tour with us.”

            Everyone at the table gasped except Niall and I. “You really want to bring her? Is she okay with that? Does she want to come? We need to talk to management, Niall!” Louis said.

            Niall shrugged. “I’ll do whatever it takes to bring her with us. She already said she wants to.” He turned and smiled at me.

            I smiled back. “You’re one lucky girl, Cordelia!” Adriana exclaimed. “Not every fan gets to go with One Direction on tour!”

            I laughed a little, thinking back to how much I had hated Adriana before. Now, she was one of the only friends I had. “Thanks, guys.”

            I saw Ari frowning at me from across the table. I ignored her and turned back to Niall. “Hey, let’s have dinner together tonight?”

            Niall leaned forward and whispered, “Alone, babe?” I nodded. He smiled. “Alright.” He turned to the boys. “Lads, Cordelia and I call dinner alone.”

            Everyone laughed, except Ari, and agreed. I was excited and scared and anxious all at once. But just when everything seemed perfect…


            “Lads, we’re going out for a walk. We’ll be back soon,” Niall told the boys.

            We left Adriana’s house. I smiled and walked with him, but we didn’t hold hands. I took a deep breath in the summer air, taking in all the surroundings around me. It was the first time I took a look at the world from a brighter perspective. Everything felt so good and so right. But at the same time, I felt like there should’ve been someone else in my place. After everything I had gone through, it just didn’t feel real. But I smiled and looked down at the dress I was wearing. Niall had bought me it.

            A few girls passed by and stared at us. We didn’t say anything, but one of them did. She greeted Niall and turned to me. “Hi, are you Cordelia?” The girls looked about my age.

            “Yeah,” I answered.

            “Hi, my name is Janelle. Can I have a picture with you guys?” she asked.

            “Sure,” I said. Niall and I took a picture with her and her friends.

            “Hey, not to be rude, but are you guys going out?” Janelle asked.

            Niall and I shook our heads. “No, we aren’t.”

            She smiled. “Oh, okay. I was just asking because, well… Niall, I love you so much. I don’t mean it in just like a celebrity crush way. I really wanted to thank you for saving my life. You mean so much to me.” She looked away shyly.

            I looked at Niall and motioned for him to go hug her. He did. “I’m glad I made a difference in your life, Janelle. I love you too.”

            I watched, smiling at the sight of Niall and a beloved fan. Directioners, I corrected myself. They’re not just ordinary fans. They’re Directioners.

            Janelle caught my gaze. “You’re really pretty, Cordelia. If you go out with Niall, I’m sure you’d treat him well.” She smiled and gave me a hug. I felt a piece of my heart soften. I hugged back. This girl, Janelle, had just shown me that I really could be accepted by somebody at first sight.

            “Thank you, Janelle.” I could tell how much Niall meant to this girl. I could tell how much of an impact he’d made in her life, just the same for me. I would never forget that moment of realisation.

            She left and we walked for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. We went to the place where he had shown me the butterflies and stood there silently, taking in the view. After a while, Niall’s phone rang. He talked on the phone for a little bit, then hung up.

            “The boys and I have to pack for tomorrow, okay, Cordelia?” Niall told me.

            I nodded. “I still want to stay out for a little bit. I’ll… meet you at the restaurant then?” I asked.

            He smiled. “Alright, babe. Be careful.” Niall kissed me lightly and left. 

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