~Chapter 32: It's Him

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~Chapter 32: It’s Him

            I stood in the shower, letting the warm water spray onto me. I’ve always loved showers. Before, I felt like it was a place where I could cry without any distraction or worry. But for some reason, at that moment, it just felt like it was washing away the unnecessary events of the day. I smiled to myself and started to sing “Little Things.”

            I finished showering, and then walked outside after drying my hair. “Hi,” I said shyly to Niall, blushing.

            He smiled, linked his fingers in mine, and then led me to Adriana’s room. I was pretty tired, but I didn’t want to stop them from watching the movie. As a result, I slowly lost consciousness during the movie.

.:Day One:.

            I felt myself turn my body. I reached around where I was sleeping, keeping my eyes closed. Ugh. Whose arm is on me… I felt an arm over my shoulder and legs intertwined with mine. Ugh, I thought again. Niall’s all over me. I rubbed my eyes, opening them. I woke up to Niall’s sleeping face. I smiled, running my fingers through his hair. I sat up and pulled his head into my lap.

            When did you ever start to like him, Cordelia? I asked myself. What do you like about this guy? I sighed, and then answered my own question. I don’t know. Everything about him is just perfect. I was surprised I actually felt that way about Niall. After all these years, the hard, dark shell I’d built up was easily broken by this… boy. This boy called Niall Horan. Once again, I came to the dilemma of having to decide whether to stay with him or not. “If I don’t go with you… I’ll probably never see you again…,” I whispered, my eyes tearing up. “But there’s so much to give away once I’m with you… Is it really worth it…?”

            Niall stirred a little and started to rub his eyes. “Cordelia?” he mumbled.

            I laughed a little. “Good morning, Niall.”

            “Good morning, beautiful.” Niall made himself comfortable on my lap and continued “sleeping”.

            “Andddd… you’re not going to get up?” I asked, laughing.



            “What do you want to do today, Cordelia?” Niall asked at breakfast.

            I shrugged. “I don’t want to just stay at Adriana’s house. There’s practically nothing to do.” I sighed.

            “I can take you shopping, if you want,” Niall offered.

            I laughed. “I don’t have any money to spend, Niall.”

            “You don’t need any.”

            I looked up at him. “Ohh, no. You’re not buying me anything, Niall.”

            “Yes, I am. I’m buying you everything you want.”

            “I only want you,” I teased him sarcastically.

            “Haha, very funny,” Niall responded.


           “AND DON’T LET THE PAPARAZZI FOLLOW YOU HOME!” Adriana called from the top of her porch.

            I rolled my eyes and got in the car. Niall drove us to the mall. It was Monday, so there weren’t too many people. But it WAS summer…

            Niall and I walked into the mall, not holding hands. We didn’t want people jumping to conclusions. “Look, it’s Niall Horan with his girlfriend…,” we heard people whisper as we walked by. “Wait, why aren’t they holding hands…?” “Must not be dating then…?” “That can’t be right… I thought they were…” More whispers.

            “Ew, it’s him,” a passing group of girls said. “Niall Horan.”

            I stopped walking just to glare at them. “Just ignore them, Cordelia,” Niall said quietly.

            I wanted to protest, to yell, to grab them and scream in their faces. A group of people had gathered around behind us. “Why are you with Niall?” I heard a girl call from behind me. “He’s the ugliest in One Direction. You can do so much better.”

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