~Chapter 65: I Told You Everything

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~Chapter 65: I Told You Everything

            “Are you going to go home tonight?” Janelle asked me after we had eaten until we couldn’t consume another crumb.

            I sighed and replied, “Probably not.”

            “I’m sure he doesn’t hate you… You guys have gone through so much, and he loves you so much. All you need to do is talk it out.”

            “I don’t even know if that’s the right thing to do anymore.”

            “What do you mean? It’s always good to communicate.”

            “Well, Niall’s so worked up about management, his mum, me, our relationship, drama, rumours and all that… I don’t know if he can bear anything else to worry about right now.”

            “Exactly! So you should talk it out with him and relieve the stress a bit.”

            I shook my head. “He doesn’t want to talk it out. Not with Maura still lying unconscious on that hospital bed.” I looked at the time. “It’s eleven at night. Should we sleep?”

            “I think it’s the best for you right now, Cordelia.”


            I woke up the next morning, with Janelle still asleep. Rubbing my eyes, I picked up my phone. The picture of Niall and me was still my background, but the number of cracks and scratches on the screen had increased. I hadn’t gotten enough time lately to fix it, so I ignored it. Surfing through all the comments the fans had tweeted, commented, and reported about Niall and me made my heart break. There were all sorts of words being said; from worry to hate, from excitement to pain… Words like: “Cordelia can’t break up with Niall! They’re perfect for each other!” and “I knew they weren’t gonna last anyway…” and “Are you even sure they’re broken up?” and “And we were so worked up about it all…” and “CORDIALL CAN’T END!” and “She was never good enough for Nialler anyway.”

            I heard Janelle stir next to me, so I turned to look at her. “There’s a lot, isn’t there?” she asked, opening her eyes.

            “Yeah,” I said quietly.

            “Do you mind clearing it up for them all?” she asked.

            I went on Twitter and tweeted, “Niall and I are debating on our relationship. We’re not officially broken up yet, but we’re not so sure on being together either. Please do not spread rumours. Thank you. x” It immediately got thousands and thousands of favourites, retweets and comments, but I ignored them all. “What are we going to do now?”

            “I have a date with Harry today…” Janelle yawned.

            I smiled lightly for her. “Have fun.”

            Janelle smiled back. “I will!”

            I looked out the window. “Hey, Janelle. Do you think we’d still be best friends if I flew halfway across the world from you?”

            “Sure, why not?”

            “I don’t know… Would we still be best friends if Niall and I broke up?”

            “Well I have nothing to do with you and Niall’s relationship, so of course we’d still be! But why would you want to break up with him? Are you actually thinking of doing that?”

            “I love Niall more than any other boy out there. I’d do anything for him to make him happy.” Then I lowered my voice so only I could hear it. “Even if it means having to leave him.”

            “What was that, Cordelia? You still didn’t answer me! Are you actually thinking of breaking up with Niall?”

            “No, of course not.” It was my first lie to my best friend.


            I avoided too much eye contact with Janelle that morning, scared that she was going to ask more questions. It felt terrible having to lie to her, but I didn’t want her to worry or burden herself with my pain.

           “Cordelia, talk to me. Seriously, what is going on?” Janelle asked while getting ready for her date with Harry. Gosh, she knows me so well.

            “You know what’s going on. I told you everything.”


            I winced. Did she know? “What else do you want to know?”

            She raised an eyebrow at me. “Do you really think you can hide it from me, Cordelia?”

            My heart skipped a beat. How did she find out?! “H-hide what?”

            “Whatever you’re hiding.” Oh.

            “I’m not hiding anything from you.”

            “Mhm, sure.” Janelle put her hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes at me.

            “Well, what do you want to know exactly?”

            “What you didn’t tell me.”

            I sighed. “I…”

           “I knew it! I knew you were hiding something!” Janelle exclaimed, pointing at me and jumping up and down.

            “I was about to say, ‘I told you everything,’ BUTTFACE.” I rolled my eyes at her.

           Janelle stuck her mouth in a straight line and responded, “You’re going tell me sooner or later.” Later, Janelle. Later.

            I watched as she spun back to the mirror and continued doing her hair.


            “Where are you gonna go?” Janelle asked, opening the front door.

           “Probably just going to go check on Niall and Maura, I guess. Have fun on your date!” I smiled convincingly.

            “Cordelia, you better tell me what happens. Text. Me.” Janelle pointed a finger at me and narrowed her eyes at me. “Kay, bye!” She got in her car as I waved, and she drove off.

            My smile faded as I let my arm drop to my side. “I have two days to make a decision…” I whispered to myself. The light breeze blew through my hair as I stood still for a moment. “It’s time to start a new beginning.”

♥ I Never Thought I'd Love You ♥Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz