~Chapter 68: I Need HIM

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~Chapter 68: I Need HIM

.:A Few Months Later:.

            I flopped down on the sofa after a day of modeling. I turned on the TV involuntarily and flipped through random channels, stopping on one to get a bag of chips. I was about to change the channel when I heard, “Breaking news about the boy band, One Direction.” My heart stopped for a moment.

            I watched in shock as a video of Niall and the boys played on the screen. Niall had gotten into a fight with the boys in public, and he had gotten very loud.

            “SHUT UP!” I heard Niall scream from the TV. “DO YOU THINK I NOT KNOW THAT?!” I froze. He had changed. Niall had changed a lot after I left. I hadn’t been following up to the boys ever since I left Mullingar. I changed my phone number as soon as I arrived in the states and abandoned my old Facebook and Twitter account.

            The clip replayed over and over again. It showed Niall screaming at the other boys in front of their fans, then storming onto their bus. 

            I turned off the TV, not wanting to see anymore.


            After dinner, I turned on the radio. “New news about One Direction’s Niall Horan.” I turned it off. Curious, I Googled it instead.

            “Niall Horan seen and heard calling ex-girlfriend’s name while drunk in a bar?” I read out loud. “What?” I played the video attached to it.

            “Cordelia… Cordelia, where are you? I’m so sorry…,” Niall called out while holding my guitar. I had left it in our flat. “Come back to me, Cordelia. I’m sorry. It was all… a… misunderstanding…” The video ended.

            I sat there for a moment, trying to process it all. We had a mutual break up, didn’t we? Why was he saying it was all a misunderstanding? Then it hit me. I realised that I had never checked the calls and text messages that was sent to me when I left Mullingar. I had just erased and deleted them all. “Bad idea,” I muttered.


             I took a long shower then got into bed. It had been a while since I had interacted with any news that had to do with Niall or One Direction. I didn’t quite put everything behind me, but I knew I had to.

            I climbed into bed, suddenly missing the warmth I felt against Niall’s body that I hadn’t experienced for months. I had ruined One Direction. I had ruined Niall. The fans must all have hated me by now. I sighed, frustrated, and got out of bed. For the first time in months, I went on my old Twitter. To my surprise, the Directioners were all begging me to get back with Niall. I shook my head. “I can’t… not after what happened…”

            I sat back on my sofa in my cold living room and turned on the TV. I was never interested in any shows; I just turned it on so I had more background noise and felt less lonely. “And now, we return with the interview of One Direction.” I looked up at the TV. Even it was making me feel guilty about what happened.

            “Niall, what is your emotion about your breakup between you and Cordelia?” the interviewer asked.

            I watched Niall’s face fall as Zayn came to the rescue. “He just really misses her.” He looked at Niall. “Don’t you, lad?”  (Look at the picture attached to this chapter)

            Niall didn’t respond and just closed his eyes, trying to look like he was laughing it off. But everyone knew he was trying not to cry. “It was a mutual breakup,” was all Niall said.

            “But you obviously still miss her, and we can all see that, Niall,” Louis responded.

            Everyone looked at Niall as he took a deep breath. I was listening intently. “When we were together, I told her that if she ever left me, I would find her again and hold her tight and never let her go…”

            “Awww, Niall.” Liam smiled at him.

            “And I…” Niall stood up. “I need to go find her again. Sorry, I need a break.” He ran out of the interview room.

            Tears ran down my face as I struggled to process it. I shut off the television and decided I needed some sleep.


            “I need to go back to Mullingar,” I told Cornelius on the phone the next morning.

            “Is it because of Niall?” he asked. “Are you even sure they’re still there? Do you still want that?”

            “I don’t just ‘want’ it. I NEED it. I need HIM. I need Niall. And plus, my manager says that the company needs photoshoots of me in Mullingar, because my salary would be a lot higher there. Coincidence much?”

            I heard him sigh over the phone. “Not really. And I very well know that he needs you too. Go. I will book a plane for you back to Mullingar.”

            I smiled. “Thank you, Cornelius. That’s jolly decent of you.”

            “You’re welcome.” He hung up.


            I approached my front door. It was late, but I noticed that the living room light was on. “That’s strange… I thought I turned it off.”

            I unlocked and opened the door. Then, I dropped all my stuff and stared in shock. There, in front of me, was Niall. He looked as if he’d been crying, and I was pretty sure that he had been. Niall opened his mouth and said, “You still hide a spare key under the doormat… don’t you?”

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