~Chapter 51: I'm Going Again

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~Chapter 51: I’m Going Again

            “So what did you do today, babe?” Niall asked during dinner.

            I poked at my food, reluctant to eat. “Nothing.”

            “Where did you go?” he asked.

            “On a walk with Janelle to the police station.” I sighed and sat back in my seat.

            “That place again? What’s with you and that place?” Niall raised an eyebrow at me.

            I shook my head. “Nothing, babe. Nothing.” I stood up and brought my plate over to the kitchen.

            “Look, Cordelia. Sit down in front of me, babe.” Niall pulled me into the living room and made me sit down. He took my hands in his and said, “Babe, I know I’ve been busy lately…”

            “Oh!” I sat up straight. “It’s not that, Niall. I understand. I’m not mad about that. I’m not mad about anything. Really.” I smiled for him.

            “You’re a bad liar, Cordelia.”

            I sighed. “What is that, like your catchphrase now?”

            He sighed. “What are you upset about then?”

            I shrugged. “I’m just tired.”

            Niall pulled me to him and kissed me softly, brushing his lips against mine. “I’ll find out more information for you as soon as I can, babe, I promise.”

            I smiled at him as my eyes softened. “It’s alright, Niall.”


            “Where are you going today?” Niall called from the bathroom, getting ready to go to the studio again.

            “I don’t know yet. Maybe the police station again,” I answered, putting on my shirt.

            “Seriously? Again? Why do you always go to that place? Who or what is there that you need to keep going? I checked for you already that day we went, and you have no records there!” He walked out from the bathroom, his hair wet from his shower.

            “There’s nothing, Niall! Just calm down, will you?” I asked, put off by his morning grouchiness.

            “Well you go there every day, and I’m starting to think you’re doing some stuff behind my back,” Niall said, his eyes turning serious.

            I stood up and replied, “Do you really not trust me? Oh, for crying out loud, do you really think I’d be cheating on you?”

            His face tensed up as he left our room, frustrated. “I do trust you! And I just want to make sure! But you’re getting so annoyed of me asking, then why don’t you tell me why you keep going there?!” Niall called, walking downstairs.

            I cursed under my breath and followed him. “I just want to go, okay?!”

            “Why?! Why do you want to go?! What’s your reason?!”

            “Why do you have to know?!” I shouted, my voice getting louder.

            “Because I deserve to know! I’m your boyfriend, and you shouldn’t be hiding things like this from me!” he yelled back.

            “You just think I’m cheating on you, but I’m not! Why can’t you just believe me, Niall?! Why must you always be so overprotective?! I’m getting so tired of this!”

            “Well you know what?! Maybe I don’t want to be protective of you either, but I just am! And if you don’t want me to be protective of you, why don’t you just leave?!”

            I stepped back in shock, tears stinging my eyes. Two big teardrops rolled their way down my cheeks as my mouth hung open. “Why don’t I just leave? Fine if this is what you feel, then I understand now. It’s obvious that I’m just some emotional whoopee cushion for you to sit on. I see. Fine then. I got it.”

            “Babe, I’m sorry. You know I didn’t mean that.” Niall looked at me hopefully, but when I refused to look at him, he said, “Cordelia, I don’t have time for this. We’ll talk about this when I get home. I’m gonna be late,” Niall told me, annoyance in his voice. He took one last look at me and left without saying ‘I love you.’

            When the door shut, I sank to the ground, crying. Maybe it IS my fault. He’s just caring about me, but I’m just pushing him away. Even I don’t know why I keep going there myself, I thought. But I just feel like I should. I wiped my tears away and stood up. I’m going again.

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