~Chapter 6: You're a Bad Liar

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~Chapter 6: You’re a Bad Liar

            I looked at her, shocked. “What?” I asked. “Excuse me?” I actually laughed, even though it wasn’t a real laugh. “That’s funny, Adriana. I gotta admit, you got me.” I frowned again and shook my head. “No.”

            She nodded. “He won’t stop talking about you,” she whispered. The music was on kind of loud, so no one could hear us whispering. Plus, another movie was playing.

            I was curious. “What… what was he talking about?” I asked.

            “So you ARE interested in him!” Adriana said loudly.

            I looked at her, stunned. “Shut up! What are you, crazy?! I’m just curious,” I said defensively.

            “Mhm,” Adriana said. “Sure.”

            I sighed, annoyed. “Forget about it, then. I don’t have to know.” I wanted to go back to my room, but there was really nothing to do there. I walked over to the sofa Harry and Louis were sitting on and leaned over it. “Hey, guys.”

            “Hi, Cordelia!” Harry, said. I was starting to get the names. “Wanna sit down with us?”

            “Sure,” I replied, shrugging. I sat down next to Harry, but I didn’t focus on the movie. I thought about what Adriana said. I had never felt attracted to anyone before in my life. I didn’t know what “love” felt like, and my mother was certainly the only one who had ever expressed it to me. But even so, it was 13 years ago, and difficult to remember. No one had loved me since. I frowned, contemplating the situation. When my mother died, I felt like the whole world crashed on top of me. I felt like if I ever loved anybody, I would just get hurt again. And that’s why I don’t open up to anyone, I thought sadly. I don’t like Niall at all. And nothing’s going to change that. I’ll never love anyone again. Ever.


            “Cordelia?” I heard somebody call me. It was Adriana. “Cordelia, are you awake?”

            “Huh?” I said, opening my eyes. I realized I had fallen asleep on the couch. “I’m up. What time is it?” My vision struggled to focus.

            “It’s 5:30.”

            “Oh.” I looked around the room. The boys were looking at me, and it was kind of embarrassing.

          “The weather’s nice out, Cordelia. Why don’t you go for a walk? You look like you could use some fresh air.” Adriana smiled convincingly.

            Fresh air won’t help me, I thought. “Okay,” I responded anyway.

            “Niall will go with you.”

            I jerked my head up to look at her, arching my eyebrows, giving her the face that said ‘What the hell, Adriana?! Are you kidding me?!’ But I couldn’t say no, or else I’d sound like… well… I wouldn’t sound that nice. I nodded slowly. “Alright.”

            “Good! Now, off you two go.” Adriana pushed Niall and I outside her door and locked it.          

            I stared at him awkwardly then started walking slowly. He followed. “Hey, Cordelia?” Niall started.

            “What,” I grunted. I stopped walking and waited for him to catch up. My eyes softened at his expression. We continued walking.

            “I have a feeling you don’t like me very much,” Niall responded sheepishly.

            “That’s not true.” Actually, it is.

            “I know you’re still mad about… what happened. And I’m sorry.”

            “No, I’m not mad.” I’m pissed.


            “Yeah,” I replied, getting a bit annoyed. Shut up already.

            “You’re a bad liar, Cordelia.” We were outside and alone now, having went out the back door.

            I stopped walking. No one had EVER told me that. According to most people, they thought I was the best liar they knew. That was what I did best. Lying. It was terrible, but what other choice did I have? I looked at Niall. “How do you know I’m lying?” I asked, curious.

            Niall exhaled and pretended to look around. His eyes traveled back to me. “Your eyes. And your tone. They can tell everything.”

            “My eyes?” I laughed. “Yeah, right. My eyes are really obvious. They’re what stand out on me. No one has ever noticed more than that.” I looked at Niall, who was silent. “And my tone? My tone has always been the same. People say I’m mean, cruel, angry, and all those adjectives. How can you tell one tone from the other?” I shut up, waiting for Niall’s response.

            To my surprise, he smiled. Niall took a few steps towards me. I backed away. “Your eyes. They’re what stand out because they make you different. Do you know anyone else with eyes that are the same colour as yours?” Niall asked.

            I studied his face. My eyes traveled to his. “No…,” I said slowly. “Except yours.”

            Niall let out a little ‘ha’ sound. “You said no one had ever noticed them.” Then his face turned serious. “And your tone. You said it’s always the same. How can I tell the difference?” I had already backed up against the wall. Niall put his hands on the wall on either side of me and leaned close to my ear, once again, and whispered so softly, “It’s because I actually listen to what you say.”

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