~Chapter 47: I Hope So

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~Chapter 47: I Hope So

            “Those high heels are beautiful,” I commented, looking into a shoe store. “Do you think your mother would like them?”

            “Hmm, maybe. She’s not clear about what she wants. I certainly wish I knew her desires. It’d be easier to get her presents,” Niall told me.

            I turned back to the high heels. “Hmm…”


            After a day of looking for any sign of where my father could be, Niall and I returned home. I had also bought some stuff. We retired to bed.

            I woke up the next morning. “Niall, I feel a burst of energy. Let’s go out and look again today!”

            Niall groaned. “What a great way to spend my Saturday…” But he smiled anyways.


            Niall and I walked hand-in-hand through the streets of Mullingar once again. My eyes focused on a girl walking towards us. “Janelle!” I laughed. “We meet again.”

            She nodded. “And with Niall this time, I see?” Janelle smiled as I nudged Niall.

            “Oh, great to see you again, Janelle!” he greeted, smiling also. “Hey, do you know where records of people’s parents and birth certificates could be held?”

            “Well, there could be some records in the police station. You can maybe check there,” Janelle said.

            “Want to come with us?” I asked.



            I shifted my feet, standing in the police station. “Umm, sir? Could you search up the record of Cordelia Delphina Sanders for me?” Niall asked the chief officer sitting at the desk.

            I looked around and saw a man, maybe about in his fifties, staring straight at me. His eyes were bright blue and his matted gray hair was neatly put to one side of his head. He was watching me intently. I looked away from him, creeped out.

            “Niall, there’s some weird guy checking me out,” I whispered to my boyfriend.

            He turned to look at the man, who was no longer watching me. Niall turned back to me. “Well, he’s not anymore.” As Niall waited for the chief officer to return, I studied the man when he wasn’t looking.

            He seems familiar… Where have I seen this man?


            A few days later, Maura invited me to visit her again. “I think she’s really starting like you,” Niall told me before I left.

            I smiled and kissed him. “I hope so.”


            “Do you still not approve of Niall and me together?” I asked Maura after we finished laughing at some amusing stories of Niall.

            “Oh, dear. Well, I never really disapproved. I’m just so cautious of Niall.” Maura turned solemn. “His heart is so fragile. He never really knew when the right person would come, so he would just wait. Niall is the kind of boy to wait so long for a girl to come along, hoping she’d be the right person. And if he found her, he’d really cherish her. If she ever broke his heart, he’d spend months crying over her if he really loved her.” Maura sighed. “But I feel like he can trust you.” She smiled at me. “Cordelia, let’s have a party for Niall and you.”

            I broke out into a smile. “Really? No. That’s too much, Maura.” I laughed.

            “No, dear! You’re really the first that I feel like I can trust. You’re a unique girl, Cordelia. I actually feel like you put your heart into your relationship. Fully.”

            I took Maura’s hand in mine. “Honestly, Niall was the one who taught me to do that.”

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