~Chapter 57: I Want Niall

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~Chapter 57: I Want Niall

            I walked around with Janelle, trying to find Maura. I spotted her in a crowd of elder relatives. I made my way over to them and greeted them all. “Hello, nice to meet you all. I’m Cordelia,” I said, smiling. “And this is my best friend, Janelle.”

            Janelle said hello to everyone and Maura greeted her warmly. We all talked for a while, but Maura finally settled everyone down in their seats at their tables to make an announcement. She walked up on stage and took the microphone in her hands. “This party was thrown for our little Niall, who has grown up, and his beautiful girl, Cordelia.” Everyone clapped and cheered, even though I couldn’t seem to smile anymore. Was Niall going to come?


            It was almost 6:30, and everyone had some entrees and small dishes. Maura stepped back up to the stage and quieted everyone. Maura was treating this like an engagement party. I sighed, not knowing how I would let her know that Niall and I had a bit of a falling out. “Now, I want to make an announcement again. Cordelia? Will you please step up?” As I walked to the stage uncomfortably, everyone clapped. “Cordelia here has demonstrated many actions of proving herself worthy of our little Niall.” I almost raised my eyebrow at her, but she continued. “Janelle has told me that she cares for Niall so very much, sometimes even exceeding her own health. She told me of one time when Niall was about to faint in public because his energy was so low, but our girl was there to save him.” Everyone applauded. I blinked, biting my bottom lip. “I want to welcome her to our family for loving our Niall.” She turned to me. “Cordelia, I believe that you are the perfect girl for my perfect boy.”

              I couldn’t help but smile at her, tears springing to my eyes. I hugged her. “Thank you, Maura. Thank you so much.”

              "No, Cordelia. Thank YOU."


            I stood in the bathroom alone. Everyone was downstairs, eating dinner. I had brought my stuff up to the bathroom with me. I dug through my makeup bag, trying to fix my mascara, but it was no use. I cried and sobbed. Maura made me realise how much Niall and I had been through. We couldn’t let a fight tear us apart, could we? I took a deep breath and raised my arm up. My scars had faded away, and only the deepest ones left a faint scratch. I had stopped cutting when Niall came into my life, but I was losing him. I needed to do something to pair up our relationship. Little did I know that the worst was yet to come.

            “Ew, it’s Cordelia,” I heard a voice snarl at me from the doorway.

            I looked up to see the two girls who had hated on me on the way from the police station. Janelle had been there to stand up for me, but this time I was alone. “What do you want?” I growled at her. My eyes were still a bit red from crying.

            “I want Niall. I was supposed to be with him. Until you, little Miss Perfect, came and took him away from me!”

            I turned and glared at her with all my anger. “He doesn’t deserve a bitch like you,” I spat at her.

            “Don’t look down on me just because you’re going out with Niall!” she yelled at me.

            “I’m looking down on you because you’re hating on a person you don’t even know!” I took a deep breath, like Niall always told me to do. “Hating on me won’t make him love you, you know.”

            “Ugh, you disgust me.” She stormed up to me and tried to grab my arm, but I easily dodged and swatted her away. Being abused gave me some lessons in self-defense. I gripped her wrist and threw it down without blinking, knocking over the pair of high heels that I was supposed to give Maura.

            “Don’t even try it.” My eyes bore into hers.

            She glanced at the heels, and then kept our gazes met and started the line of hate. “You’re ugly. You’re worthless, and I don’t even know why Maura likes you so much. I’ve always been her favourite, until you came and ruined everything. You disgust me and Niall deserves better than you, you bitch. I’ll pay you back for taking my Niall.” I felt every word crush down on me, just as the tears nearly started beginning again. “Beginning to cry now, are you? You’re pathetic.”

            I clenched my fist, resisting the urge to smack her in the nose. I’d probably break it. Just as I was about to reply, a voice called out, “Kathlynne! Is this how we treat our special guest?”

            The girl swerved her head around as I struggled to hide the heels. She slapped on a fake smile in an instant and replied, “Maura! I thought you were downstairs!”

            Maura kept a stern face and responded, “Cordelia was taking too long. I come up here and I find you insulting my girl! I’m very disappointed in you, Kathlynne. Go downstairs. We’ll discuss this later.”

            Kathlynne glared at me and dragged the other girl by the arm. “Let’s go, Guenivere.”

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