~Chapter 70: Thank You For Apologising

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~Chapter 70: Thank You For Apologising

            I turned around. There stood the girl who had insulted me at the party. What was her name? Kathlynne? “You?” I asked. “But… why? I know why, but why?”

            “Isn’t it obvious? You’re dating Niall. If it wasn’t because of you, I’d have him right now. I’ve known him longer you have.” Kathlynne’s eyes turned to sadness. “But what I did, I know was unforgiveable. In order to hurt you, I hurt Maura. And I apologise for it. I’m still jealous, and I’m sure millions of other girls out there are too, but I guess it’s no reason to hate you for it. I’m sorry, Cordelia, Maura. And you, Niall. For hurting your most important people. And for breaking you and Cordelia up.”

            Niall and Maura didn’t say anything, but I did. “What you did wasn’t okay, but I forgive you for it.” Then to everyone’s surprise, I leaned forward and hugged Kathlynne. Before, I would’ve stormed out of the room or beat her up. But I had changed. I had learned to forgive. “Did you apologise to Maura? She’s the one you hurt.”

            “I did. Thank you for forgiving me, Cordelia.”

            I smiled. “Thank you for apologising.”


            I poked at my food as the boys, Janelle, and I sat together at lunch. “So catch me up with your life, Cordelia. What have you been doing these few months?” Harry asked, breaking the silence.

            “Well I started a modeling career, but they moved me to Mullingar, saying I would get a higher pay. So, here I am.”

            “Wow, that’s such a great coincidence, isn’t it? And we all happen to be all back in Mullingar at the same time.”

            I nodded and laughed. “Yeah.”

            “Is that really all, I mean, you didn’t meet anyone else over the months or…?” Zayn asked.

            I shook my head. “No one.” We were all silent for a moment. “Well, catch me up with the latest One Direction news!” I exclaimed.

            “Eh, nothing much. We’re maybe just getting ready for another new tour, but that’s about it. Just the usual; nothing new,” Liam responded. “But the fans have gotten worked up about you and Niall. And also,” he winked at Harry, “our youngest one there.”

            Harry smiled and looked down, blushing. “Guess you all know who it is by now anyways…”

            I looked over at Janelle and made the creeper face. She smiled at me. I put my head in my hands. “So, when’s the wedding?”

            Everyone laughed. “We’re not even going out yet, Cordelia!” Harry told me.

            I gasped. “It’s been a few months and you haven’t asked her out? Come on, Harry.”

            “We wanted to wait until you came back so we could all be together.” Janelle smiled at me.

            “You waited on your relationship for me?”

            Harry and Janelle nodded. I smiled. “Well, I’m back now, so get on with it.”

            “Now isn’t a good time. We’ll wait until sometime later,” Harry replied shyly with that smirk at Janelle.

            “Well, then let me pass the time.” I took out my phone and put my earphones in. “Just call me when you’re ready.”

            Niall suddenly slipped his fingers in mine and pulled out one of my earphones. “Babe, let’s go somewhere private.” I looked at Niall.

            “But I’m stalking—I mean, researching stuff.”

            Niall laughed and said, “You can stalk us later.”

            I immediately blushed and replied, “I’m only stalking you.” I turned to Janelle and told her, “Niall and I are going to leave first. Have fun, you two.” I winked at Harry and whispered, “Use protection.”

            Harry burst out laughing and took Janelle’s hand. “I’ll make sure to remember that. We’ll be going also.”

            I waved goodbye to them and the other three boys. “Louis, if Harry fails to tell me anything, you better be the one to provide details.”

            Louis smiled and said, “Alright then. Liam, Zayn, and I are probably going to go back to our hotel and just relax for the time being. Call us if you need anything.”

            “Okay, then!” Niall walked me to his car. “Where are we going?”

            Niall smiled and replied, “Somewhere that brings back memories.”

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