~Chapter 56: I Totally Forgot

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~Chapter 56: I Totally Forgot

            I nearly dropped my phone. I TOTALLY FORGOT. “Oh, definitely! I remember! But, do you think you could remind me what time?”

            “For dinner, darling! See you then!” Maura hung up.

            I looked at Janelle. “We need to go shopping. Now.”


            I returned back to Janelle’s flat. “Maura’s heels!” I exclaimed.

            “What?” Janelle asked.

            “I left the heels I was going to give to Maura back at Niall and my flat!”

            Janelle gaped at me. “Well then, go get them!”

            “But Niall’s there…” I sighed. I couldn’t keep avoiding him.


            I drove up to the flat I shared with Niall. He wasn’t home, preferably out with the boys. I went inside, got other stuff I needed and the heels, then drove back to Janelle’s. I changed into a pretty, semi-casual dress, and checked the time. “It’s five thirty,” I reported. “Better start getting ready to go.” I went into Janelle’s bathroom and fixed my makeup.

            “Wait, wait? Are you expecting me to go?” she asked. “This party is for you! Not me!”

            “It’s a family and friends gathering! You’re my best friend, of course you’re allowed to go!” I smiled at her.

            Janelle smiled back. “Alright, alright! I’ll go get ready too!”


            We drove up to the restaurant Maura had rented. There was A LOT of people there, all for Niall and me. I felt awkward, since Niall and I recently had a fight. Just last night actually, I corrected myself. It was a two-story restaurant. “Maura!” I called, looking around the restaurant for her. I dragged Janelle behind me. I was stopped along the way.

            “Oh, darling, you look fabulous! You’re very well suited for our little Niall!” a lady told me as I walked past her. I thanked her and kept walking.

            “That must be Cordelia!” I heard more voices exclaim. Little kids ran past me as music played.

            A little girl walked over to me and asked, “Are you Niall’s girlfriend?” She wasn’t over five years of age, so it sounded like she said, “Ah you Niall’s girlfwend?” I nodded and she squealed, jumping up and throwing her arms around me. I hugged her back and afterwards, she ran off to her little group of friends.

            I turned around and smiled at Janelle, who said, “What a beautiful family.”

            “And beautiful friends,” I added.

            Some little boys, a little older than the previous little girl, ran up to me. They were about ten to twelve years old. “Are you Cordelia?” the tallest one asked.

            “Yeah, I am.” I smiled, trying to look friendly.

            The three other boys behind him started whispering loudly. “How did Niall get at THAT?!” “Yeah, man, she’s gorgeous!” The tallest boy turned around and glared at them, shutting them up.

            He turned back to me. “I’m Kyler. And I was supposed to inform you that first, we will have dinner on the upper-floor. Then, we’ll go downstairs and sing and “dance the night away,” as Aunt Maura says.”

            “Kyler?” I asked. “What a peculiar name.”

            “Yes, my mum picked it.” He looked at me, as if expecting me to insult his name.

            I smiled. “I like it. Kyler. Lovely.”

            He blushed and turned away from me. “Aunt Maura’s expecting you. Come, let’s go, lads.” I thanked Kyler for telling me and he dragged his mates behind him, walking in the opposite direction. My smile disappeared. We were supposed to be enjoying ourselves. Taking pictures. Making memories. But it was all happening at the most unfortunate moment in time for our relationship.

            Or so I thought.

♥ I Never Thought I'd Love You ♥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat