Happy Halloween! (Lime)

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As requested, here is a fun Halloween party story. As always, requests are welcome. Don't be shy :)

"This is going to be awesome!" Killua says, pounding his fist into the air.
"Yeah! I'm so glad (Y/N) decided to throw a Halloween party!" Gon agrees, grinning from ear to ear.

Leorio slouches as he walks behind Gon and Killua. "I'm just here for her boobs."

Kurapika scowls at Leorio. "Excuse me?"

"No...no! I meant to say, boos! Get it? Boos?"

Kurapika closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Leorio, please. We haven't even arrived yet and you are already embarrassing yourself."

"Take it easy. We all know you like (Y/N)," says Leorio, smiling mischievously.

Kurapika's cheeks turn as red as the fake blood coming from his vampire fangs. He hides his face in the collar of his cape.

Gon and Killua laugh as they run the rest of the way to (Y/N)'s house.

"Race ya there, Gon!"
"Hey, no fair! You got a head start!"

Kurapika and Leorio smile as they watch them. The dead leaves crunch beneath their feet as they continue to walk.

When they finally make it to (Y/N)'s porch, they see Gon and Killua pushing each other.

"I made it here first!" shouts Killua.
"No, I beat you and you know it!" says Gon.

"Hey, you two! Cut it out!" says Leorio.

The four of them walk up the steps that lead to (Y/N)'s porch. Kurapika stops dead in his tracks. His eyes widen as he stares at the front door.

"What's up, Kurapika?" Leorio asks.
"Sp...spider." Kurapika points to the door.

Gon is already taking the fake spider down by the time Leorio notices. (Y/N) opens her door.

"Boo!" she shouts, causing Leorio to jump back.
They all watch as Leorio tumbles down the stairs. (Y/N) runs down to him.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to scare you!"

Leorio groans as he sits up with his hand on his forehead. "Don't worry about it. I wasn't scared. Just shocked...that's all."

Killua holds his stomach while he laughs. "He hasn't even gone through the haunted house yet!"

Leorio stands up. "Wait...there's a haunted house?"

"Yeah. Didn't you read my invitation? My neighbors put up a scary haunted house." says (Y/N), climbing back up the stairs.
"Of course I did. It must've slipped my mind," says Leorio, scratching the back of his head.

(Y/N) notices the fake spider is missing from her door. "Where did my spider go?"

Gon places a finger on his lips. "Shh...don't mention spiders in front of Kurapika."

"Oh...right. I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) blushes.
"It's fine. It's your house. You should decorate it however you like," says Kurapika.

(Y/N) stares at the four hunters in front of her. "Great costumes! Killua, love your wizard outfit! And Gon...you're the cutest werewolf I've ever seen!"

"Hey! I'm scary...not cute," says Gon, raising his paws up.

"Sorry, you're right...very scary!" (Y/N) giggles. She turns her head to face Leorio. "Uh...what are you supposed to be? A butcher?"

"No! Isn't it obvious? I'm an evil doctor." Leorio spins around, showing off his light green jumpsuit stained with fake blood.

"Oh," says (Y/N). She faces Kurapika and looks him up and down. She blushes again.

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