The Dragon's Secret* Version Two

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I received a request to give this story an alternate ending. I must admit, I felt sad writing it. However, I think this version is better. Let me know what you think!

The twigs crunch beneath your feet as you walk around this unknown place. Your ex-boyfriend dropped you off in the middle of nowhere. A city girl at heart, this place feels foreign to you. The cool wind whistles through you as you spin around to explore your surroundings. Instead of skyscrapers, there are towers of trees above you. You've never seen so much green before.

With nothing to do but walk, you continue down a path that leads to a meadow. You run through the carpet of wildflowers that cover the grass. For a moment, you feel happy. That feeling quickly fades away as soon as you realize you have nowhere to live or food to eat. Your heartbeat races as you become aware of the fact that your ex-boyfriend left you here to die.

"That bastard! I'll show him I can survive on my own," you shout.

You continue to walk until you reach a stone building. You gasp as you walk closer. It's as if you're a child again and brought a magical castle to life. It's everything you remember from your storybooks.

The wind gets colder as you walk up the steps to the front door, sending a chill down your spine. Before you make it to the top, a giant creature swoops you off your feet. The castle now looks like a small figurine as you are taken higher into the sky. You're afraid to look up to see what it is that is carrying you away. Your stomach drops as it descends back to the castle.

The creature safely returns you to land. You slowly lift your head up to look at the scaly bat-winged creature.

No way...dragons don't exist...where am I?

You stare at it as you plan your escape. You notice there is something about this dragon that doesn't frighten you. There is sadness in its eyes.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

The dragon shakes its head.

"Then why did you bring me here?"

It moves its head towards the door. It creaks as you slowly open it. The sound of your footsteps echo throughout the castle as you walk inside. Tall glass display cases line the walls. Strange items such as skulls, antique medical equipment, and scarlet eyes are safely locked inside each of them.

A beautiful lady walks down the spiral staircase and greets you. "Welcome to your new home."

"My home?" you ask, shocked.
"Yes, come...come," she says as she grabs your hand.

She leads you into a magnificent dining room. Your mouth waters as you smell the delicious food that is beautifully plated on the table. She pulls out a seat for you.

" yourself to whatever you'd like."

You sit down and immediately grab a plate. You're famished so you fill it with a variety of food.

"Thank you...everything is delicious," you say with a mouthful of food.

The lady patiently waits for you to finish your meal before talking. After you gulp down your water, she folds her hands together on the table.

"You're probably wondering why my dragon brought you here."

You stare at her as you set down your glass. "Yeah. I'm a little curious about that."

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