Voices* (Kurapika x Male Reader)

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"(Y/N), put the knife down. Let's talk about this."

I feel the sharp cold blade against my throat. You're on top of me, putting me at a disadvantage.

"No, Kurapika. You don't understand." Tears fall down your cheeks and drop from your chin. "They are making me do this."


One year earlier...

Another auction. Seriously, how much of this shit...excuse me...junk does Neon need? I shouldn't use profanity, however, I'm getting rather sick of attending these auctions. Not to mention the shopping trips.

I lean down to my colleague's height. "Melody, cover for me. I'll be right back."

"Of course, Kurapika. Take all the time you need," Melody says.

I leave my colleagues to watch over Neon. I walk across the hotel lobby to the bar. I saw you walk in moments ago. I can't miss the opportunity to introduce myself to you.

I stop a few feet from the bar. You're alone. I take a deep breath, summoning the courage to talk to you. This is ridiculous. I'm an adult. A hunter. Why does this feel like the greatest challenge I've ever faced?

I take a seat on the barstool next to you. You glance at me and return your attention to your drink.

"Excuse me?" I raise my hand, hoping the bartender heard me.

He walks toward me, wiping the counter. "What can I get you?"

I clear my throat. I've seen Leorio do this a thousand times. "Uh...I'll have whatever this gentleman is having." I motion toward you. "And while you're at it, please make him another one."

"Sure thing."

You look at me, furrowing your brow. "Thank you?"

"You're welcome." I extend my arm to you. "My name's Kurapika." I search my brain for a pickup line I've heard Leorio use. "Uh...do you have a name, or can I already call you Mine?"

You stare at my hand then at me. A confused look crosses your face.

I slap my forehead. Why did I say that? None of those cheesy lines ever worked for Leorio.

"I apologize. I don't have any experience in this department," I say.

"What department?"

The bartender returns with our drinks. I leave enough jenny bills on the counter to cover the cost.

"Nevermind." I chug my drink. "Mm...this is good. What is it?"

You take a sip from your drink. "It's just sake mixed with Yakult."

"I'll have to remember that." I finish my drink and hop off the stool. "Enjoy the rest of your drink."

I turn to leave. I feel your hand on my shoulder.

"Why are you leaving so soon?"

I slowly turn back around. "You want me to...stay?"

You smile. "Isn't that why guys buy each other drinks? To talk and stuff?"

I sit back down. "And stuff?"

"Yeah. We get drunk then go back up to one of our hotel rooms." You order us another round of drinks. "I'm (Y/N), by the way."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." I make another attempt to shake your hand. "Sorry about the awkward introduction earlier."

You shake my hand. "Don't worry about it. I was kinda flattered. No one has ever tried to pick me up before."

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