The Roommate* Part Three

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I received a few requests to write part three. Here you go! I hope everyone enjoys it! :)

You sip on your soda as you wait for Kurapika to end his call.

"Yes, I understand. However, I have a hunter's license which gives me access to that area," he says on the phone. He glances your way. "May we finish this conversation later? I'm having lunch with my soon to be ex-wife."

You flinch.

Kurapika puts his phone down.

"Sorry about that," he says.
"Always working." You roll your eyes.
"Yes, (Y/N). I have a goal, remember? Not that it's any of your concern."
"Why wouldn't it be? I'm your wife."

Kurapika sighs. "Just sign the damn papers already. I don't know why you insist on dragging out this divorce. It's been six months."

You slam your fist on the table. "Because we're still in love."

Kurapika looks around the restaurant before making eye contact with you. "Keep it down. You're making a scene."

You fall back against your seat and cross your arms. "Like I care. Anyway, I know you don't really want to divorce me. You're in love with me."

"I was in love with a version of you."

You pull yourself closer to him. "And I can still be that version. Just give me another chance!"

Kurapika shakes his head. "No, (Y/N). You shouldn't have to pretend to be someone you're not. That's not how love works."

"I'm not pretending!" you shout.

"I thought I told you to keep it down. If you can't have a civilized conversation with me, then I'll leave."

"I'm sorry...I'll keep it down. Just please...tell me what I can do to change your mind."

Kurapika looks out of the window instead of responding.

"Oh, c'mon, baby know you still want me to be your wife," you say with a sly smile on your face.

He turns his head to face you. "Don't call me that. And trust me, I don't like the idea of having an ex."

"We can go to counseling or something...just don't throw everything away."

Kurapika stands up from his seat. He places his hands on the table. "And what am I supposed to tell the therapist? That my wife killed two people and almost killed me?" He lifts his shirt up, exposing his incredible abdominal muscles. "May I remind you that this scar on my stomach is from you?"

"Now look who's making a scene," you say. "Good people do bad things, too."

Kurapika sits down. "Yes. The difference is you knew exactly what you were doing." He runs his hands through his hair. "This marriage is over."

The words sting your heart. "Well...I'm not signing. Not until you give us one more chance."

Kurapika pulls his eyebrows close together. "(Y/N), I'm making this easy for you. I bought you a nice car and a luxury apartment. You'll never have to work another day in your life with the amount of alimony I agreed to give you. What more do you want?"


He pushes his food away. "This lunch was a complete waste of time. You do realize what I'm capable of, right? I'm a hunter. I can arrest you right now for murder. Sign the papers!"

"Oh, we're using threats now? Calm down, Kurapika. I just need some time to process everything. I'm losing the love of my life." Tears well up in your eyes.

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