How to Love a Loser* Part Two (Kurapika x Male Reader)

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Warnings: Substance abuse, suicide

Recommended song: LO$ER=LOVER by TOMORROW x TOGETHER

How to Love a Loser* Part Two (Kurapika x Male Reader)

I lift my head, staring at her through blurry eyes. "What about...cheating?"


I can barely contain my excitement as I fumble with my keys. They've already fallen out of my hands twice.

"Kurapika? Is that you?"

I turn to look over my shoulder. There's not enough room on my face to hold my smile.

"(Y/N)!" I run as fast as my feet will allow. I grab you tightly and spin you around. "Damn...I missed you." I put you back down and comb your hair away from your face with my fingers. I examine you with my eyes. "Have you been well?"

I can tell by your appearance that you're not well at all. Guilt forms in my stomach. Have you not been eating or sleeping because of me? Am I putting my needs before yours?

You stare at me like I'm an apparition. Dark bags sit under your eyes, and it appears you have lost some weight.

"Baby, I can't believe it's really you!" You grab my arms and sob into my shoulder. "Did you find the eyes?"

I pull you back. "Of course I did. I wouldn't leave you for almost three months only to return empty handed." I look around the hallway. "Where were you coming from? It's almost three in the morning."

Your eyelids droop. I tuck my arm under yours and help you inside our apartment. I place you on the couch and walk back to the doorway to retrieve my belongings.

I smile as I watch you sleep. I cover you with a throw blanket and proceed to unpack. It feels so good to be home.

After showering, I walk back to the living room to check on you. You're still fast asleep.

"(Y/N)? Let's go to bed." You don't move. Hmm...You must be exhausted. You almost look like you're not breathing.

I reach under your body and lift you up. I carefully walk you to our bedroom. I place you in our bed and start to pull your clothes off. 

I reach into the drawer and grab your favorite pajamas.

"Okay, now that you're all ready for bed, my hope is that you'll sleep well."

I take my place next to you. I wrap my arm around your shoulders, pulling you close.

"I'm so glad you were safe while I was away. Good night, my love."

A few hours later, I sit up in bed and stretch my arms. I look to my right and watch as the love of my life sleeps soundly. I reach down and brush my lips over yours.

I inhale your scent. "Mmm...I love the way you smell in the morning. You sleep. I'll take care of breakfast."

I open the refrigerator door. It's...empty.

"I guess I'll have to order something," I say to myself.

When I go to pay the nice lady who delivered our breakfast, I notice the cash envelope I left you  is empty. I'm sorry...I guess I miscalculated how much money you would need. No wonder you lost weight.

After paying for breakfast, I set it on the table and go to check on you.

"(Y/N), it's time to get up. You have to eat something."

Your eyes slowly open as you sit up in bed. You blink a few times. "Kurapika?"

I smile. "Yes. I'm here, my love."

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