My Everything* Part Three

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Kurapika wakes up to the sound of his baby crying. He rolls over and picks her up from the bassinet next to the bed.

"Shhh...daddy's here, baby Scarlet," he says as he lays her on his chest. He reaches over and turns on the bedside lamp. He yawns as he checks the time. It's two in the morning. He rubs his eyes before placing his daughter on the bed in between his legs. "Are you wet, my tiny treasure?" He pulls off the velcro on the side of the baby's diaper to see if she needs to be changed.

He swaddles her once he is finished changing her. She roots and smacks her lips. "You're hungry, aren't you? I can't help you with that. Let's wake mommy up."

Kurapika gently taps on Neon's shoulder. "Angel, wake up. The baby is hungry."

Neon moans. "I'm too tired. Just give her a bottle."
Kurapika shakes his head. "I don't have one."
"Check the fridge. I pumped extra milk yesterday," she says, covering herself back up with the comforter.

Kurapika pulls himself off the bed while holding his daughter. He puts on his slippers and turns off the light.

He lets out another yawn as he walks downstairs to the kitchen. He turns on the light above the stove before grabbing a bottle from the refrigerator.

Scarlet is growing impatient. Kurapika gently bounces her with his right arm while warming the bottle under the faucet with his left arm. "It's almost ready."

Once the bottle is warm enough, he takes her to the living room to feed her. She gladly accepts the bottle and starts gulping it down. He stares down at the beautiful baby and smiles.

Kurapika places her over his shoulder to burp her. He can see the front door from where he is sitting. He stares at the half a dozen unopened boxes that are sitting there. He sighs. While Kurapika spends the day cleaning the house and taking care of their daughter, Neon spends it shopping online. He dreads bringing up the subject of money to her, but he decides he is going to make it a priority for today.

Later that morning, Kurapika is awoken again by the sounds of cries. Except this time, the cries are coming from Neon. He slowly opens his eyes.

"What are you crying about?"

Neon shows him her nightgown. "Look! It's soaked!"
Kurapika closes his eyes. " went the entire night without nursing the baby or pumping. It's no wonder you're leaking." He covers his face with the comforter. "Just take a shower. If you don't mind, I'd like to sleep in a little more. I was up most of the night with our daughter."

Neon pouts. "But...I want you to make me breakfast."
"I already started the rice. Just get some from the rice cooker and scramble some eggs."
"I don't know how to do all that."
Kurapika throws the comforter off. "Fine. I'll do it." He turns on the baby monitor before walking downstairs.

Kurapika is finished making breakfast by the time Neon gets out of the shower. He slides a bowl of rice and eggs to her. He turns around to make a pot of coffee.

"Good morning to you, too," she says, sarcastically. "Why are you so grumpy?"

He bites his tongue, not wanting to start an argument first thing in the morning. "Do I seem grumpy?"

"Yeah," Neon answers with a mouthful of eggs and rice.

Kurapika stirs some cream and sugar into his coffee. "I'm just a little tired, that's all." He takes a sip of his coffee. "I'll feel better once this caffeine kicks in.

"Okay, good. Want to take me to the mall today?"

He almost spits out his coffee. "I just took you the other day!"

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