How to Love a Loser* Part Three (Kurapika x Male Reader)

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Most of the same warnings apply...explicit yaoi, substance abuse, cheating, and mention of suicide.
Thank you for taking the time to read my stories! I hope you enjoy the conclusion to this series.

How to Love a Loser* Part Three (Kurapika x Male Reader)

"Tilly?" My heart rate increases. "Shouldn't you still be in prison?"

She shrugs her shoulders. I can hear her heels clap against the floor as she closes the gap between us.

"I have a good lawyer." She rests her hand on my chest. "I hear congratulations are in order. You married your hunter!"

I nod, still not believing she's standing in front of me. "Uh...thanks."

She takes her hand off my chest and covers her mouth as she laughs.

I raise an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

She shakes her head, slapping my arm. "Oh, (Y/N). Did you really think I'd let your hunter get away with sending my brother and me to prison?"

I can't help but smile. "Kurapika's a hunter. A damn good one. I don't know what you're scheming, but you don't have a chance against him."
She holds her abdomen as she laughs. Actually, it sounds more like a cackle. "You're so cute, (Y/N). You don't think I can afford my own hunters?"

I swallow hard. "Hunters?"

Her arms fall back down to her sides. "Yep. But don't worry. They won't touch you. I only want Kurapika."

The terrible grocery store music blasts through the speakers. Did someone turn the volume up? It's all I can hear as I try to comprehend what's going on.

She spins on her heels and walks away. She lifts her arm and waves at me. "It was nice seeing you!"

I finish my shopping and push the cart to the register.

"That will be thirty-thousand jenny," the cashier tells me.

I'm pretty sure she had to tell me that more than twice because it's obvious she's annoyed. My mind is just focused on Tilly's threat.

I pull my wallet out of my pocket. I toss her some jenny bills and stare at nothing while I wait for my change.

Why am I even worried? Kurapika is strong. Shit...but what if he had to use Emperor Time? That would mean an even shorter lifespan.

I walk to the parking lot with my groceries. I press the keyfob to unlock my trunk. I put the bags in the trunk and shut it with more force than I intended. I turn around, noticing a black cat on the ground, staring at me. Dammit. Doesn't that mean bad luck or something?

I kneel and start petting it. "Hey, sorry. I don't have any treats on me. Maybe next time."

A disheveled woman approaches us. "Oh, she'll take cash instead," she says, holding her hand out to me.

I've seen this lady before. She's always pestering Kurapika for money. I'm pretty sure she's homeless.

I stand back up and reach into my pocket. I don't know why I'm giving her money. She'll probably use it to buy...drugs.

I sigh as I hand her a few jenny bills. She snatches the money out of my hand.

"Thank you, young man. Good things will come to you."

She picks up her cat. It meows at me. She reaches into her pocket and extends her hand to me.

I open my hand, allowing her to drop something in it.

"Uh...thanks. I could use some good fortune right now."

I stare at the omamori in my hand. En-musubi. I roll my eyes as I place it inside of my pocket. I don't need a good luck charm for my marriage.

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