Spells of the Heart* Part Three (A Medieval AU Story)

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Two years later...


Before I exchanged vows with Princess Neon, I made it clear that I would still be working as a knight. I was good. No, I was the best and I did not want to let my talents go to waste. She threw a tantrum, but eventually, she agreed with me.

A terrible sickness spread throughout the village and unfortunately, I became infected. Much to Neon's dismay, I insisted on sleeping in the chamber far away from her.

I thrash in bed, hallucinating from my high fever. I have the best doctors, but even they can't control my symptoms. I cough blood into a metal basin. I can't die. Not yet. I don't want Neon to become a widow at such a young age. More importantly, I don't want to die without knowing you're doing well.

(Y/N). I swore I wouldn't think about you after the wedding. I'm a man of my word, and I vowed to Neon that she would be my one and only. Still...I can't control the way my heart feels for you. You are, after all, my first love.

Are you married? If so, I pray he treats you well.
Do you have children? You'd make an excellent mother.

A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. It must be time for my medicine.

"You may enter," I say.

I immediately pull the blanket over my nose when I see my bride walking toward me.

"Neon, you must leave immediately! I don't want you to catch this illness."

She ignores me, sitting down on the bed. Her eyes are bloodshot, tears spilling from her eyes.

"My Kurapika. The doctor is working on a new medication for you since nothing seems to be working."

I smile. Maybe she can see it in my eyes since I refuse to uncover my mouth. "My beautiful love, I promise you. I'm going to get better. Now get out of here."

She blows me a kiss.

I watch as she leaves, closing the door tightly behind her. Guilt consumes me. Neon loves me with all her heart, and I can't seem to keep myself from thinking about you.

As promised, the doctor walks in with a different antidote. I pray this one will work.

My esophagus burns as I swallow it. I lay back down, allowing sleep to consume me.

"Kurapika, wake up."

I slowly open my eyes. They widen immediately. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here? You'll get sick."

"Shh...you have been cured." You reach down until our lips meet.

I kiss you deeply. Is it possible to pack two years into one kiss? I doubt it, but I'm going to try.

You pull away before I'm ready. I swallow. I must be cured. My throat no longer burns. Or maybe that's just you. Your taste...your scent...your touch...I've missed it all so much.

Tears stain my cheeks as I feel them fall.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I should have chosen you."

You undress in front of me and pull your beautiful hair down. I'm completely mesmerized by you.

I reach out and touch your soft skin. Your smile reaches your eyes.

I blush as you take my pajamas off. I must be sweaty from the fever I had. You don't seem to mind as you glide your tongue up my torso to my neck. My head falls back as you kiss the sensitive area under my earlobe.


I feel the heart of your femininity slide down my length. I hold your hips as you rock back and forth on me. I thrust my hips up, needing to feel more of you. I pray the walls surrounding us can keep a secret. I've never felt ecstasy like this before.

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